World archaeology vol. 51, no. 4, October 2019 1. Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis 2. Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinity 3. Presen...
Articles: 1. A nation at risk or a nation in progress? naming the way forward through research in teacher education [Robert E. Floden, Gail Richmond, Maria Salazar] 2. “It’s not really my jobâ€...
Daftar Isi: 1. Peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik pada materi transformasi data geometri melalui model pembelajaran snowball throwing 2. Meningkatkan interpersonal skill dalam pembelajaran IPS Kela...
1. Simulasi dan analisis uji fungsional homing meted payload roket kompetisi Eko Budi Purwanto 2. Menentukan jenis pelarut dan inisiator berdasar struktur kimia polibutadiena yang dihasilkan Geni R...
Komilag menumbuhkan budi pekerti...
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Dalam rangka pengembangan pengembangan dan penjaminan mutu pendidikan keaksaraan dan pendidikan kesetaraan maka perlu dirumuskan norma, standar, prosedur, krieteria (NSPK) dalam bentuk panduan, petunj...
Editorial Necrogeography and necroscapes: living with the dead Sarah Semple & Stuart Brookes Article Ancient history and new beginnings: necrogeography and migration in the North American midcon...
Content: 1. Margins of the centre or critical peripheries? [Lisa Janz and James Conolly] 2. The spread of metal and metal production technology in the Far Northeast and Alaska over the second mill...
1. The History and Future of Migrationist Explanations in the Archeology of the Eastern Woodlands with a Synthetic Model of Woodlans Period Migrations on the Gulf Coast 2. From the neolithic to thr B...
Contents Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 24 nomor 1, April 2017: 1. Histological Analysis Of In Vitro Cultured Coconut Endosperm 2. Isolation Of Endophytic Fungi ...
Daftar isi Mlangun : jurnal ilmiah kebahasaan dan kesastraan volume 18 nomor 1, Juni 2021 antara lain 1. Pembelajaran menceritakan kembali isi teks fabel dengan media audiovisual 2. Kesalahan berbah...