Daftar Isi: - Cagar Budaya Indonesia dalam Pusaran Perubahan Iklim Global - Cagar Budaya Goes To School: Upaya Penanaman Kesadaran Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Kepada Pelajar di Maluku Utara - Coptot...
Table of Content: 1. Predictors of Employability of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Graduates 2. Growth Mindset in Mathematics among Ninth-Grade Students via 5Ps Learning Mo...
Article The academic as consumed and consumer Damien Page Value-added indicators for a fairer Chilean school accountability system: a pending subject Bernardita Munoz-Chereau , Andrés Anwandter &...
1 paket berisi buku ini, buku 000126635, dan Audio CD(000126637-000126647) ...
Buku ini membahas urgensi membudayakan minat baca, mengupas secara tuntas penulisan artikel dan resensi, tata cara mengirimkan tulisan ke media massa serta dilengkapi media cetak online. BUku ini juga...
Helping Parents Navigate the Early Childhood Education Enrollment Process: Experimental Evidence From New Orleans Lindsay Weixler, Jon Valant, Daphna Bassok, Justin B. Doromal, Alica Gerry School...
Editorial Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis Naomi Sykes , Matthew Spriggs & Allowen Evin Article Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinit...
Includes index....
Daftar Isi: 1. Jejak Literasi Digital dalam Hadih Maja Masyarakat Aceh 2. Analisis Isi Pantun dalam Adat Perkawinan Masyarakat Tamiang 3. Neurajah, Sastra Penawar dari Aceh 4. Mitos Naga dalam Kh...
Daftar isi telaga bahasa, volume 7 nomor 2, Desember 2019 antara lain 1. Kemampuan Literasi Pelajar SMA/SMK di Kabupaten Klungkung 2. Kadar Realisme Magis dalam Cerpen di Tubuh Tarra dalam Rahim Poh...
JK 428.32 Num copies: 001....
JK 428.32 Num copies: 001....
"This book argues that John Dewey should be read as a philosopher of globalization rather than as a 'local' American philosopher. Although Dewey's political philosophy was rooted in late nineteenth an...
Bordering intimacy is a study of how borders and dominant forms of intimacy, such as family, are central to the governance of postcolonial states such as Britain. The book explores the connected histo...
Players and Arenas brings together a diverse group of experts to examine the interactions between political protestors and the many strategic players they encounter, such as cultural institutions, rel...
How do interventions by the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court influence representations of mass violence? What images arise instead from the humanitarianism and diplomacy fields...
EDITORS' COLUMN Breaking through without crashing through 543 Katty Lund Deand and jeanie M. Farray ARTICLES If You Dont.t care. then why should I? The In...
Daftar isi Alayasastra : jurnal ilmiah kesustraan volume 17 nomor 1 Mei 2021 antara lain 1. Makna Dua Haiku Berunsur Buah (Kaki) Karya Masaoka Shiki: Pendekatan Semiotik Riffaterre 2. Perempuan Terb...
Mengisahkan tentang satu hari di sebuah desa nelayan di Inggris. Film ini menceritakan tentang kegiatan masyarakat nelayan....