JKR 909.09724 Num copies: 001....
Using the lenses of realism, liberalism, the English School and constructivism, this book explains how the divisions and differences in African identities affect African international politics. This b...
Kisah kehidupan sekolah anak perempuan. Siswi-siswi di sekolah itu merupakan siswi yang 'bengal'. Kepala sekolah mereka berusaha menerapkan kurikulum yang sesuai agar kelak mereka bisa menghadapi duni...
Menceritakan tentang kisah perjalanan anak sekolah, pencurian permata dan pangeran yang mencari jodoh....
When twelve-year-old Hugo, an orphan living and repairing clocks within the walls of a Paris train station in 1931, meets a mysterious toyseller and his goddaughter, his undercover life and his bigges...
1. The Bibliometrics of Vocabulary Acquisition: An Exploratory Study (Paul Meara) 2. The Effects of a Speed Reading Course and Speed Transfer to Other Types of Texts (Tran Thi Ngoc Yen) 3. Repeating...
modeling the social construction of knowledge in elt teacher education ( Joye Smith) training across cultures : content, process, and dialogue (Sue Leather) enriching reality : language corpora in l...
127 teacher Characteristics, Student Beliefs, adn the Gender Gap in STEM Fields by Dario Sansone 145 What Is in a Definition? The How and When of Special Education Subgroup Analysis in Preschool Eva...
CONTENTS Editorial (Alvin Pang and Marie Yeo) Articles : 1. A Reappraisal of the 4/3/2 Activity (Frank Boers) 2. Interaction and Uptake in Large Foreign Language Classrooms (Eric Enongene Ekembe...
CONTENTS Editorial (Jack C. Richards) Articles: 1. Towards a Pedagogy of Grammar Instruction (Jack C. Richards and Randi Reppen) 2. Developing an ELT Context-Specific Teacher Efficacy Instrument...
Feature articles 2016 AERA Presidential address Public scholarship: eduction research for a diverse democracy Jeannie Oakes Who feels included in school? examining feelings of inclusion among ...
1. A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and classroom management programs on students' academic, behavioral, emotional, and motivational outcomes (Hanke Korpershoek dkk.) ...
JK 025.84 Num copies: 002....
Includes bibliographical references and index.;...