Articles Sharryn Kasmir and Lesley Gill No smooth surfaces: the anthropology of unevenness and combination Sheyla S. Zandonai and Vanessa Amaro The Portuguese Calcada in Macau: paving resi...
Feature Articles Understanding the promise: a typology of state and local college promise programs Laura W. Perna and Elaine W. Leigh Sexual orientation and school discipline: new evidence from a p...
Effects of sef-regulation prompts in hypermedia learning on learning performance and self-efficacy N.M. Muller, T. Seufert Is technology-enhanced feedback encouraging for all in finnish basic ed...
1. Editorial membaca modernitas dan dualitas global-lokal 2. Komik digital: revolusi komik di media sosial oleh: Bamabang Tri Rahadian, 3. Membaca reinterpretasi karya Joko Avianto "Strong Tree" ...
Daftar isi editorial 1. taking stock in 2014 Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2. towar...
Daftar isi 1. editorial learning to teach: lt's complicated but lt's not magic Elizabeth Spalding, Cari L. Klecka, Emily Lin, Jian Wang, and Sandra J. Odell 2. articles learning to teach in t...
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- Deteksi daerah tercemar lumpur asam menggunakan data landsat-7 ETM berdasarkan suhu permukaan tanah (sayidah sulma,junita monika pasaribu, dan Nanik Suryo Haryani) - Perbandingan antara marine ac...
1. Facebook dan ketuntasan bimbngan virtual dalam mencetak ilmuwan masa depan (Deni Dermawan) 2. Pengembangan media classroom blogging untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep TIK siswa (Dedi R...