Indonesia perlu melakukan reformasi structural terhadap sumber-sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Investasi dan ekspor menjadi dua hal yang penting untuk dilakukan. Namun reformasi structural untu k...
Berisi 15 cerita pendek yang layak dibaca oleh anak usia SD, dan dapat dijadikan bahan untuk storytelling bagi para guru TK dan orang tua murid di rumah. Buku ini menceritakan kehidupan dunia anak-an...
The future of professional learning starts here. The curriculum-based professional learning detailed here enables teachers to deepen their understanding of the essential components of successful cu...
Don Kirkpatrick's groundbreaking Four Levels of Training Evaluation is the most widely used training evaluation model in the world. Ask any group of trainers whether they rely on the model's four leve...
Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning—if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cogniti...
The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. Th...
Driving a shift in the way we think about entrepreneurial and teacher education, this book invites teachers to think and act as entrepreneurial innovators and lead meaningful change in everyday school...
Based on practical experiences and empirical research, Making Sense of Academic Conferences offers an introduction to the world of academic conferences. This accessible text also includes material to ...
Designing Personalized Learning Experiences offers theoretically grounded and pragmatic approaches to designing personalized learning initiatives for higher education and organizational contexts. With...
Theories of Early Childhood Education continues to provide a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical perspectives in early childhood education from developmental psychology to critical studi...
Bosan menebak apa yang benar-benar dipikirkan orang? Cobalah membaca orang dalam semua situasi—bertemu muka, di layar, di tulisan—menggunakan ilmu baru psikolinguistik, dari seorang penulis buku l...
edited by Karen Mundy, Andy Green, Bob Lingard, and Antoni Verger....
Curzon Video....
Daftar isi Jurnal Mabasan volume 16, nomor 1, Juni 2022: 1. Rancang Bangun Naskah Lontar sebagai Seni Petunjukkan untuk Sastra Pariwisata 2. Aspek-Aspek Kelisanan dalam Hikayat Upu Daeng Menambun ...
Bab I Pendahuluan a. Tinjauan umum b. Lokasi Bab II Survei a. Situs kalianda b. Situs pugungharjo c. Situs air ringkih d. Situs bungin e. Situs batujaya dimuarajaya f. Situs jabung ...
I. Pendahuluan a. Latar belakang daerah penelitian b. Riwayat penelitian c. Masalah d. Tujuan penelitian e. Metode penelitian II. Hasil survai a. Lokasi dan situs kepurbakalaan b. Pemb...