special section on "archaeological science in southern south america"; guest edited by Marcelo Morales, Augusto Tessone, Ramiro Barberena archaeological science in southern south america: an intr...
Feature Articles How much do test scores vary among school districts? new estimates using population data, 2009-2015 Erin M. Fahle and Sean F. Reardon Rethinking connections between research a...
The effects of the initial english language learner classification on students' later academic outcomes Nami Shin Experimental effects of program management approach on teachers' professional tie...
The Three generations of cultural capital research: a narrative review Scott Davies and Jessica Rizk The Comprehension problems of children with poor reading comprehension despite adequate dec...
Daftar isi I. Bahasa, budaya, dan sejarah 1. bahasa indonesia tak menjadi tuan di negeri kelahirannya 2. pengaruh bahasa alay terhadap remaja 3. quo vadis eyd? 4. permainan tradisional yang t...
A. 1 Pengantar B. 3 Tujuan dan Metodologi Penelitian C. 3 Latar Belakang Sejarah Dari Audit 1. Sebelum 1840-an 5 2. 1840 - 1920-an 5 3. 1920 - 1960-an 5 4. 1960 - 1990-an 6 5. 1960 - SAAT I...
Daftar isi editorial 1. beyond the teacher certification program debate: from models to features Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Stephanie L. Knight, Jacqueline Edmondson, James Nolan Jr., Sco...
Daftar isi 1. editorial learning to teach: lt's complicated but lt's not magic Elizabeth Spalding, Cari L. Klecka, Emily Lin, Jian Wang, and Sandra J. Odell 2. articles learning to teach in t...
Norman Gabriel....
- Perbedaan dan persamaan novel-novel indonesia yang membahasa g-30-s/pki di masa orde baru dan reformasi (akhmad rizqi turama) - Konsep kebutuhan bertingkat ‘’tamu’’ dalam naskah drama ber...
When principal Joe Clark (Morgan Freeman) takes over decaying Eastside High School, he's faced with students wearing gang colors and graffiti-covered walls. Determined to do anything he must to turn t...
Editor and Colleagues’ Corner: 1. Daring to Be Different: Unconferences, New Conferences, and Reimagined Conferences (Jon Billsberry, Amy L. Kenworthy, George A. Hrivnak, Kenneth G. Brown) Teachin...
Contents: Guest Editors’ Corner Technology as the Enabler of a New Wave of Active Learning (Keith Rollag, Jon Billsberry) Articles 1. Instructional Design, Active Learning, and Student Perfor...
Editor’s Corner 1. Passion and Purpose (Jane Schmidt-Wilk) Articles 1. Understanding Organizational Culture and Communication through a Gyroscope Metaphor (Ryan S. Bisel Amber S. Messersmith Jo...
CONTENTS EDITORIAL - Pioneering the JRST Doctoral Student Mentored Reviewer Initiative: Bolstering the Contributions of a Top-Tier Research Journal to Graduate Education: Fouad Abd-El-Khalick and ...
Editorial : 1. A Forum for the Science Education Community's Continual Self-Renewal ( Sherry A. Southerland and John Settlage ) Research Articles : 1. Development of an Empirically Based Learning ...
Contents : Special issue: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise? Educating Management Students about Stress, Performance and Wellness Guest Editors' Corner : - The Integrative Nature of Stress, Performance, an...
Daftar Isi : 1. Biotechnology for Young Learners: Pelatihan Bioteknologi Sederhana untuk Siswa Tunaganda di SLB G/A-B Helen Keller Indonesia (by Wahyu Wido Sari) 2. Peningkatan Minat, Keaktifan, dan...
Daftar artikel : 1. What Do We Teach in Organizational Behavior? An Analysis of MBA Syllabi (Kenneth G. Brown, Steven D. Charlier, Sara L. Rynes and Andrew Hosmanek) 2. A Review of Managerial Skills...