Theme: 1. I Think I Can 2. Away We Grow...
Menceritakan tentang seorang pebisnis yang didatangi oleh hantu masa lalunya. Ebenezer tokoh dalam cerita ini di sadarkan akan karakternya yang kikir sehingga ia bertobat dan berubah tidak menjadi ki...
Di dalam buku ini terdapat cerita: 1. Pengecap 2. Perabaan 3. Penciuman...
Article The academic as consumed and consumer Damien Page Value-added indicators for a fairer Chilean school accountability system: a pending subject Bernardita Munoz-Chereau , Andrés Anwandter &...
Culture Peter Childs and Mike Storry...
Central Video....
Buku ini membahas pengertian dasar posisi, jarak, sudut, dan tinggi serta beberapa metode pengukuran dalam Ilmu Ukur Tanah, seperti Metode Sipat Datar, Metode Trigonometris, Metode Barometris, dll. Se...
1. Tindak tutur dalam kick andy episode “Mr. Governor”(Suryo Handono) 2. Perkembangan penerjemahan mesin dan penerjemahan berbantuan komputer dalam tiga dekade (1980-2012) (Raja Rachmawati) 3. P...
Previous ed.: 1992...
Old c/n: 0435271970...
This timely and accessible volline explores how our understanding of research in child development can help cattivate the knowledge, skills, and artitudes children need for informed and thoughtful par...
This book explain about accidents; art; bicycles; boat; trains; class distinctions; dead man's handle; early iron railways; eduction; engine sheds; fish traffic; fox-hunting; gardens; Geddes; Gladsone...
1. Analisis dan Desain E-Learning Diklat Teknis Pengelolaan Perpustakaan menggunakan Standar Learning Technology System Architecture (Ieee P1484.1) (Sri Palupi, Meuthia Rachmaniah, dan Abdul Rahman Sa...
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Audio scripts...
special section on "proceedings of the second international conference on neutron imaging and neutron methods in archaeology and cultural heritage (ninmach):; guest edited by Laszlo Szentmiklosi, kata...
Special section on "case studies : Arkeological Approaches to Holoncene"; Guest Adited by Kenneth Barnett Tankersley 298. An introduction to archeological approaches to Holocene economies 299. The s...