A learning culture is essential to outperform the competition but how can Learning and Development (L&D) professionals achieve this? What habits do they need to develop in their workforce? Learning...
Neuroscience for Learning and Development provides L&D professionals the tools and ideas to design and deliver effective initiatives with knowledge of how our brains process information. Using the ...
Collaborative Learning explains how to leverage the knowledge and experience of existing employees to upskill your entire workforce from within. This practical guide explains the basics of collabor...
How People Learnprovides L&D professionals a new way of thinking about learning by exploring what happens when we learn. It shows how to apply insights from neuroscience, human behaviour and artificia...
Don Kirkpatrick's groundbreaking Four Levels of Training Evaluation is the most widely used training evaluation model in the world. Ask any group of trainers whether they rely on the model's four leve...
Stephen D. Brookfield....
Accounting education ought to prepare future professionals to enter a principles-based, rules-oriented field of activity wherein technical knowledge of accounting standards (principles, rules and deci...
Moving away from a traditional ‘one size fits all’ approach, this thesis guide encourages readers to find their own path to submission, demonstrating that the process of writing is as unique as th...
Pandemic Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the education system, pedagogical approaches, and educational ineq...
Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Throug...
COVID-19: Cultural Change and Institutional Adaptations provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the relationship between cultures and institutions. The scholarship presented i...
Situating strategic planning and budgeting within the organization and administration of higher education institutions, this text provides effective and proven strategies for today’s change-oriented...
Daftar Isi: 1. Menggali Informasi dari Koleksi Molar Bovidae dan Cervidae dari Sangiran untuk Memahami Habitat Homo Erectus 2. Identifikasi Fosil Lobster Lumpur Thalassina Anomala Palsu dari Situs S...
Bosan menebak apa yang benar-benar dipikirkan orang? Cobalah membaca orang dalam semua situasi—bertemu muka, di layar, di tulisan—menggunakan ilmu baru psikolinguistik, dari seorang penulis buku l...
Suatu tulisan tentang apa itu Public Performance di dunia musik yang selama ini seringkali disalahartikan sebagai performing, padahal konvensi internasional tidak menyebutnya demikian, termasuk pula k...
Buku ini menceritakan pengalaman Ratih D. Adiputri, penulis Sistem Pendidikan Finlandia, ketika kuliah Pendidikan Guru Profesional di di Sekolah Pendidikan Guru, Universitas Ilmu Terapan Jyväskylä, ...
JK 910 Num copies: 001....
Previous ed.: 1995...
Buku ini merupakan upaya untuk menambah bahan bacaan siswa sekolah menengah atas (sma) yang berbasis pengetahuan budaya. Kekayaan budaya masyarakat Alor yang menjadi sumber utama penulisan buku ini pa...
Buku ini bertujuan menampilkan 70 tahun rekam jejak hubungan Indonesia-UNESCO dari 1950-2020...
Bab I Pendahuluan a. Tinjauan umum b. Lokasi Bab II Survei a. Situs kalianda b. Situs pugungharjo c. Situs air ringkih d. Situs bungin e. Situs batujaya dimuarajaya f. Situs jabung ...
I. Pendahuluan a. Latar belakang daerah penelitian b. Riwayat penelitian c. Masalah d. Tujuan penelitian e. Metode penelitian II. Hasil survai a. Lokasi dan situs kepurbakalaan b. Pemb...
Dalam buku ini penulis memperkenalkan seseorang yang luar biasa, di usianya yang belum genap sepuluh tahun, ia begitu mencintai budaya leluhurnya, yaitu budaya jawa. Kiprahnya, membuat banyak orang ta...
Buku ini berisi kisah anak mengenai kerusakan lingkungan yang mengajak untuk menjaga dan memelihara lingkungan....