1. Struktur Melodik Bahasa Indonesia (Sugiyono) 2. Language Choice Performed by Javanese Children and Teenagers at Kalasan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta Indonesia (Agus Wijayanto) 3. Social Impacts of the...
1. Investigating Declarative Knowledge of Professional Translators (Nababan) 2. The Role of Interpreter in Developing International Trading of Rattan Furniture: a case study at Trangsan Village, Gata...
1. Bahasa Etnik Madura di Lingkungan Sosial Kajian Sosiolinguistik di Kota Surakarta (Kundharu Saddhono) 2. Pembelajaran Sastra Apresiatif dengan Rekreasi-Responsi-Redeskripsi dalam Perspektif KBK (A...
1. analisis tema cerita rakyat berbahasa Tonea: Suatu ungkapan pola pikir masyarakat Tonsea (Maya P. Warouw) 2. Pola klasifikasi kosakata dalam wacana kampanye calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur Sulaw...
2 Discs: Disc 1 : The Movie Disc 2 : Special Features, Reel Quote Original release date: 13 Apr 2012.Director, Gareth Evans ; screenplay, Gareth Evans.Starring Iko Uwais, Joe Taslim, Donny Alamsy...
Disc One (Heart of the Dragon, Shangri-La, Tibet) Disc Two (Land of the Panda, Beyon the Great Wall, Tides of Change)...
Novel.; In Indonesian.; "Novel terbaik Islamic Book Fair Award."; Revision of the author's Istana kedua.; [1] Tak kusimpan rahasia pada Hawa, meski tak juga kuceritakan semua bahwa padanya hanya ada s...