Buku cerita ini merupakan hasil dari sayembara penulisan bahan bacaan Gerakan Literasi Nasional 2018....
Analyzing the confluence between coloniality and activist art, Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future argues that there is much to gain from approaching contemporary politically committed art practic...
Daftar isi Mabasan : jurnal bahasa dan sastra volume 15 nomor 2 Juli -- Desember 2021 antara lain: 1. Subjek Kolektif Novel Tentang Kamu Karya Tere Liye yang Mencerminkan Sejarah PKI: Kajian Struktur...
Pondok pesantren Lirboyo adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak Lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang telah memberikan kontribusi bagi nusa dan bangsa, sejak dahulu hingga sekarang. Mulai awal berdiri hingga se...
This book provides comprehensive materials with a deep analysis and description. Every chapter offers the definition of each notion with clear and deep elaboration. In addition, the readers are sugges...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-309) and index.;...
Daftar isi editorial 1. Five-year retrospective Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David A. Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2....
CONTENTS 1. editorial 787/from the editors'desk sherry a. southerland and john settlage published online 17 agustus 2016 2. research articles 791/why do secondary school students lose their i...
special section on "archaeological science in southern south america"; guest edited by Marcelo Morales, Augusto Tessone, Ramiro Barberena archaeological science in southern south america: an intr...
Editor: 1. A Round Peg in a Round Hole: Intentionality in Publication “Fit” (Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie M. Forray) Research Article: 1. Identifying Research Topic Development in Business and Mana...
subtitle English, Indonesian, Malaysian, Korean, Thai...