Content 1. Cracking the code : the social mobility commission and education policy discourse joseph maslen 2.Wahat role of education for youth? discourse within the european union's structured dia...
1. Bullying as Gendered Violence: Girls Talk of Their Classroom Experiences within a Heterogeneous Classroom (Chinedu I. O. Okeke) 2. The Involvement of Graduates Youth in Commercial Agriculture: Iss...
Articles : Pedagogy of the anxious: rethinking critical pedagogy the context of neoliberal autonomy and responsibilization Noah De Lissovoy New forms of government school provision - an interna...
Articles Constituting neoliberal subjects? 'aspiration as technology of government in uk policy discourse Konstanze Sphrer, Garth Stahl and Tamsin Bowers-Brown The ontological politics of evid...
The role of NGOs as civil society control in corruption eradication on North Bengkulu regency Halilul Khairi Capturing social capital through bandung city community index arrangement and develop...
Social Skill Interventions for Youth an Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review Fengfeng Ke, Kelly Whalon, and Joonmo Yun. How Do We Model Learning at Scale? A Systematic Review ...
Daftar Artikel: Special Issue : The Mediated Political and Cultural Battle Over LGBTQ Equality Editorial Editor's Instroduction Shawn Harmsen Guest ESSAY Reflections on the Recent History and N...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 184-200) and index.; Introduction -- Doing 'it': researching sexuality -- 'They think you shouldnt be having sex anyway': young people;s critique of sexuality e...
Rev. ed. of: Memperkenalkan kembali kepanduan di Indonesia.; History of youth scouting in building Indonesian national characteristics.; Includes bibliographical references (p. 206-207) and index.;...
Previous ed.: Auckland; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.; Includes bibliographical references and index.; Defining and describing bullying -- Philosophy, planning and policy -- Preventative stra...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 407-430).;...
Includes bibliographical references...
Contents: The post office - Bob Horton - The NHS - Lady Pamela - EuroFighter- Youth Crime....
Bibliography: p40....
Bibliography Includes index...
Includes bibliographical references and index...