Kolam ikan Kakek meluap! Eneng harus menangkap ikan-ikan yang hanyut ke sungai. Mengapa kolam ikan Kakek meluap?...
Article Regulating private support for public goods: de-clubbing public schools Susanna Schaller & Elizabeth Nisbet All against all competition: the incorporation of the International Baccalaureate...
Video Collection....
Buku ini disajikan ke dalam dua bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Di kalangan Arab di Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1930-an, drama dipentaskan tidak hanya untuk menghibur tetapi juga untuk mendidik dan mema...
Into the Future adalah kumpulan karya 21 perupa perempuan Indonesia....
Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Throug...
Music Production Cultures draws on interviews with international educators, surveys completed by students of music production from around the globe, doctoral research findings and contextualised caree...