Fantasy sports are a hit worldwide, and now teachers and parents can take advantage of this phenomenon to give students a reason to look forward to doing math. The games and activities in Fantasy Foot...
One of the noteworthy global achievements of the past two decades has been the remarkable increase in thenumber of children attending school and the number of children completing the primary cycle. A...
CONTENTS 1. Si Lancang 2. Aji Saka dan Serban Ajaib 3. Telaga Bidadari 4. Keong Mas 5. Raja Parkit yang Cerdik 6. Si Harimau dan Pemburu Cilik...
Around 1880, two young British officers arrive to join a regiment in India. One, Lieutenant Drake (Michael York), from a middle-class background, is extremely eager to fit in while the other, Lieutena...
There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as...
Mind Power for Children menawarkan beragam cara inovatif dan praktis untuk mengilhami anak-anak mennjadi versi terbaik diri mereka. Buku mencerahkan ini sarat dengan wawasan, saran, dan kisah-kisah ya...
Buku ini berisi hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dan praktik-praktik pengelolaan OSIS di sekolah. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut ditemukan bahwa, potensi tumbuhnya pandangan-pandangan keagamaan yang in...
Massifnya interaksi dan komunikasi digital antara warga telah menciptakan kesan dualisme antara dunia nyata dan dunia maya, sehingga sulit mengenali dengan baik batas-batas yang tegas antara wacana di...
This book provides companionship through rich stories from schools around the world that have crated wellbeing practices that work for their schools...
The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites presents a fascinating picture of the ways in which today's cultural institu...
The book entitled "An Introduction to Research Method in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Guide" is a very practical and accessible book that offers a comprehensive overview of research methodology in...