Daftar isi: 1. Pertimbangan Selera-Bahasa Konsumen dalam Pembuatan Iklan Televisi Nasional (Consideration Consumer Taste of Language in Making of National Televison Advertising) (Sriyanto) 2. Penggu...
bahasa oirata, pulau kisar oriata language, kisar island nazarudin konsep hewan dan pesannya dalam paribahasa dan babasan sund a animal concept and its message in paribasa and babasan sunda k...
bahasa iklan dan pemberdayaan perempuan: sebuah kajian komunikasi dan bahasa terhadap iklan tv produk "citra" the language of adverstising and woman empowermnet: a study of communication and langua...
Daftar Isi : 1. Cerpen "matinya seorang penari telanjang" karya seno gumira ajidarma dalam persepektif subjek slavoj zizek Ahmad Zamzuri 2. Otoritas tubuh antar sakral dan profan dalam puisi kary...
daftar isi peningkatan kemampuan menyusun teksi diskusi menggunakan media gambar karakter di smpn 3 peterongan 1-9 Faiqotur Rosidah karakteristik kebutuhan model penilaian autentik dalam pemb...
Daftar isi: Desain pembelajaran menulis pantun bermuatan budaya Ratih Purbayu Khoirotunnisa Efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar apresiasi legenda responsif budaya lokal Malang Diah Erna Triningsih ...
Daftar isi 1. Wanita dalam peringatan hari kartini:kajian pada opini rebuklika,kompas,dan jawa pos (Women in kartini commemoration: a study of opinion on rebuklika,kompas and jawa pos) Albert natas...
825-834. Pengaruh supervisi, kepemimpinan partisipatif, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kualitas kerja guru di Jakarta 835-857. Elemen pembelajaran dalam langkah 'mempertanyakan' dan 'Bereksplorisasi': ...
1109-1121 Simulated estimation to examinee parameter using newton-raphson method in application for language testing [Widiatmoko] 1122-1131 Concept, type, and way of creating authentic assessment [Ta...
66-75. Dekonstruksi budaya dalam cerpen Kartini karya Putu Wijaya Adek Dwi Oktaviantina 76-82. Students teachers' Viewpoints on the implementation of bridging course for Imersion program 83-97. Asp...
Special issue: strengthening the connections between classroom and large-scale assessments Making measurement important for education: the crucial role of classroom assessment Mark Wilson Using lea...
-Attitude of school principals toward the implementation of e-learning in school -The role of computer-assisted language learning in teaching English as a foreign language -The influence of genre-ba...
Focus on what matters: productivity Iwan Jaya Azis The Effect of self-leadership towards academic performance: the mediating effect of-academic self-efficacy. Case study on generation Y students in...
- Devolving authority : public secondary school’s perception and response to scholl-based management policy in Indonesia (Bambang Sumintono, Nora Mislan,Lokman Mohd. Tahir, and Hamdan Said - The de...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Pengembangan metode pembelajaran in-on-in berbasis video dan telegram di SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju [Sutikno] 2. Penerapan model pembelajaran community language learning untuk meningkatkan...
Daftar isi 1. Pengembangan metode pembelajaran in-on-in berbasis video dan telegram di SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju Sutikno 2. Penerapan model pemebelajaran Community Language Learning untuk menungkatkan k...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Kemunculan Tahap Menulis Alfabet pada Gambar Ekspresif Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun (Putri Megasari) 2. Perbedaan Pemahaman Belajar Anak Usia Prasekolah dan Usia Sekolah (Della Raymena J) 3. P...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Pengembangan Model On the Job Training berbasis Andragogi untuk Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Anak Usia Dini Nonformal (Misran Rahman) 2. Model Pelatihan Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan F...
A thought-provoking examination of history, political influences, and the implications of global trends that ultimately reveals a brighter future for all of humankind. Globalization and its impact on ...
Presenting leadership of educational change in higher education as a dynamic, collaborative, and evolving area, Delivering Educational Change in Higher Education provides rich examples of how new ways...
Today's dynamic and uncertain environment has contributed to the changing nature of markets. In order for companies to keep up, they will need to embark on new wave marketing to ride the wave of oppor...
Asia is the most populated geographical region, with 50% of the world's inhabitants living there. Coupled that with the impressive economic growth rates in many Asian countries, the region provides a ...
English on sky oncourage the student to develop their overall competence starting with their speaking skill, as suggested by the curriculum...
Demand for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia has been growing extensively, involving various involvement from industry and academia. Research related to the improvemen...
Indonesia Now & Beyond is an expression of social responsibility on the part of all who contribute to realizing this annual project. Touched by our mission to tell the world about the beautiful side o...
The strategi assessment of Indonesia's higher education system and current policy is the first output of the newly established strategic Policy Working Group Within the Ministry of Education....
In this book Oran Young extends and generalizes his earlier work on international environmental regimes to present a comprehensive account of the current status and future prospects of regimen theory ...
Since its first edition, An Introduction to Theories of Learning has provided a uniquely sweeping review of the major learning theories from the 20th century that profoundly influenced the field of ps...
The earthquake that struck Yogyakarta on Mei, 27th 2006 has been damaged and left Prambanan temple in serious condition. From the cracks in the wall, the roof materials that partly falling down to the...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning, encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...