Daftar Isi: 1. Perbandingan Struktur Prasasti Berbahasa Melayu Kuno Kedatuan Sriwijaya dan Kerajaan Mataram Kuno Abad ke 7-8 Masehi. 2. Ungkapan Lada dalam Hikayat Banjar sebuah Analisis Semiotik. ...
buku ini memaparkan bagaimana Genistein Glycine Max yang berasal dari kedelai mampu melakukan perbaikan atrofi vagina pasca menopause dengan cara meningkatkan kadar estradiol dalam darah. Selanjutnya ...
implemantasi disaster recovery data centre (drdc) lapan bandung dengan sistem hot standby (lapan bandung disaster recovery data centre implementation using hot standby system)...
Dracula, who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count's teen-aged daughter....
CD 1 of 2 (chapters 1-4) CD 2 of 2 (chapters 5-9)...
Based on the television series "Dawson's Creek"; created by, Kevin Williamson This specially retold version by, F. H. Cornish...
Other Stories: - James Gets a New Coat - Thomas to The Rescue - As Good As Gordon - Halloween...
JK FICTION Num copies: 001....
JKAVR FICTION Num copies: 001....
AN.K T...