1. Membaca visual bendera parpol 2. Seni dan keindahan 3. Sejauh-jauh guru terbang, jatuhnya kekurikulum juga 4. Pergulatan antara mengajar dan menginspirasi 5. Inspirasi bagi guru seni budaya...
lesson art and design 4 (Scott Thronbury) Reading in recent ELT coursebooks 12 ( Rosa Maria Mera Rivas) Peer observation: a reflective model 22 (Jill Cosh) reading in reccent elt coursebooks...
Along with the establishment of the national policy which acknowledges English as the first foreign language taught in schools, writing has been part of the teaching and learning of English in various...
Editorial What data and measures should inform teacher preparation? reclaiming accountabillty Tonya Bartell, Robert Floden, and Gail Richmond Research/Empirical Evaluating teacher prepar...
Daftar isi 1. on the 'fabric' of our global science education research community: the art and science of writing for the journal of research in science teachng: Fouad Abd-El-Khalick and Dana L. Ze...
The stories in Fresh Complaint explore equally rich—and intriguing—territory. Ranging from the bitingly reproductive antics of “Baster” to the dreamy, moving account of a young traveler’...
1. Editorial membaca modernitas dan dualitas global-lokal 2. Komik digital: revolusi komik di media sosial oleh: Bamabang Tri Rahadian, 3. Membaca reinterpretasi karya Joko Avianto "Strong Tree" ...