1. Fungsi Bank Indonesia sebagai "Lender of Last Resort" dalam Penyaluran dan Penyelesaian Kebijakan Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (Rachmadi Usman) 2. Fungsi Izin Pemberian Kuasa Pertambangan dal...
Articles Joshua Burraway Remembering to forget: blacking out in itchy park Johan Ling, Timothy Earle, and Kristian Kristiansen Maritime mode of production: raiding and trading in seafaring ch...
1. Maret 2. April 3. Mei 4. Juni 5. Juli 6. Agustus 7. September 8. Oktober 9. November 10. Desember 11. Kultur sejarah 12. Wawancara...
1. Tantangan, harapan dan pengobatan alternatif dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas hidup wanita menopause (J. Rambulangi) 2. Paradigma baru mengenai miomektomi pada saat seksio sesarea (A....
1. Kematian ibu di indonesia, dapatkah kita mencapai target MDGs 2015? (A.B. Saifuddin) 2. Vaksin human papillomavirus : suatu alternatif dalam pengendalian kanker serviks di mas depan (M.F. Aziz) 3...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Perbandingan antara Kadar Fibronektin Plasma pada Kehamilan Normal dan Preeklampsia-Eklampsia serta Hubungannya dengan Tekanan Darah dan Derajat Proteinuri (B. Santoso dkk) 2. Early Di...
Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor for Wastewater Treatment Anto Tri Sugiarto Water Level Measurement Using the Reflection of a Laser Beam Andriatno Handojo Analisis kelayakan sistem kalibrasi dari s...
1. Narasi cinta dan keindahan dalam bahasa ibnu arabi ( Ahmad Kholil) 2. Peran makna dalam menerjemah bahasa asing (Abdul wahab rosyidi) 3. Sastra cyber di Indonesia (Laily fitriani) 4. Integrating...
1. Pragmatik; konsep dasar memahami konteks tuturan 2. Sastra al-quran di tengah aliran sastra di indonesia (Helmi syaifuddin) 3. Popularitas sastra islami di indonesia (Mulyono) 4. Persoalan limi...
Daftar isi 1. polemik teks komsas di malaysia: kaitan antara nilai kesastraan dan anugerah sastra Moch. Zariat Abdul Rani 2. conversational implicatures among students of english Rachmawati ...
CONTENTS Introduction 547 Vulnerability, risk, resilience: an introduction by James Conoliiy and Paul J. Lane Articles 554 Cultural heritage and climate adaption: a cultural evolutionary per...
CONTENTS Special Issue: The Archeology of Medicine and Healthcare 365 new directions in the archaeology of medicien: deep-time approaches to human-animal-environmental care Julia Shaw and Naomi ...
Daftar isi 1. editorial reconceptualizing teacher quality to inform preservice and inservice professional development Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P...
daftar isi 1. editorial research as a catalyst for change Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Scott P. McDonald, James Nalan Jr and Anne Elrod Whitney 2. Articles formal an...
Editorial A Call to action for teacher preparation programs: supporting critical conversation and democratic action in safe learning environments Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, Chezare...
Editorial What data and measures should inform teacher preparation? reclaiming accountabillty Tonya Bartell, Robert Floden, and Gail Richmond Research/Empirical Evaluating teacher prepar...
Contents Editorial Teacher Education and Teaching in the Present Political Landscape Promoting Educational Equity Through Critical Inquiry and Research Articles Impact of Coaching on Preservi...
Editorial Research that llluminates enduring dilemmas in teacher education Gail Richmond, Robert E. Floden, and Corey Drakte Articles Marching forward, marching in cirles: a history of pro...
Daftar isi editorial 1. school-based teacher learning Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles ...
Daftar isi 1. guest editorial unsettling conversations: diversity and disability in teacher education Marleen C. Pugach, Linda P. Blanton, and Lani Florian 2. Articles diversity in teacher e...
Daftar isi 1. editorial topics in teacher education research: what do we publish? Stephanie L. Knight,, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Jacqueline Edmondson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan, Jr,...
Daftar Artikel : 1 Individual and Structural Orientations in Socially Just Teaching: Conseptualization, Implementation, and Collaborative Effort (Sharon M. Chubuck) 2."But What Can I Do?": Three Nec...
Contents Editorial The Power of Community Partnership in the Preparation of Teachers Articles Capturing the Complex, Situated, and Active Nature of Teaching Through Inquiry-Oriented Standards ...
Editorial Teacher education for critical democracy: understanding our commitments as design challenges and opportunities Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, and Robert Floden Articles ...
Performance Assessment of Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education CONTENTS Editorial - Performance Assessment of Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education Stephanie L. Knight, Gwend...
- Deregulasi penerbangan dan kinerja perusahaan penerbangan niaga berjadwal di Indonesa (indra setiawan, dewi nusraningru,, yosi pahala) - The preceived image of transjakarta bus rapid transit (and...
Daftar isi 1. examining the complexity of assessment and accountability in teacher education Stephanie L. Knight, Jacqueline Edmondson, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, James Nolan Jr., Anne Elro...
Daftar isi 1. teacher learning and standards-based instruction Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Llyod, Fran Arbough, Jacqueline Edmondson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitn...