Articles: 1. A nation at risk or a nation in progress? naming the way forward through research in teacher education [Robert E. Floden, Gail Richmond, Maria Salazar] 2. “It’s not really my jobâ€...
Daftar Isi: 1. Predictors of Employability of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Graduates 2. Growth Mindset in Mathematics among Ninth-Grade Students via 5Ps Learning Model ...
Daftar Isi 1. Students' Use of Graphs in Understanding the Concepts of Derivative 2. Exploring the Introduction of Computational Thinking in STEM Education in Australian Schools 3. Fragmentation of...
Daftar isi Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Asia Tenggara Volume 12 Nomor 1, Juni 2022 1. Students' Creativity Profiles in Constructing Independent Gates Learning Acrivity Using 4Dframe 2. Enhancing Mat...
Strongly grounded in research and rich with practical examples for educators, this book demonstrates the importance and benefits of kinaesthetic learning in young children’s learning and development...
Women in STEM are constantly facing new challenges every day. By sharing their stories and the ways in which they already have and continue to overcome these hurdles, they can help others find the str...
Teachers are now expected to use technology to enhance students’ learning, but what does this mean in the classroom and how can you apply it effectively to subject teaching? This book, for pre-serv...
Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran sains dan teknologi merupakan upaya yang tidak dapat ditunda-tunda lagi sejalan dengan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi siswa saat ini. Untuk menyiapkan siswa memilik...
Allan Leslie White & Wahyudi 1-2 Editorial Fadjar Shadiq 3-17 how can seameo qitep in mathematics help indonesian mathematics teachers to help their students to be independent learners in the case...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Analisis konsepsi mengajar matematika yang baik menggunakan model kember [Sri Wulandari Danoebroto] 2. Pendekatan etnomatematika menggunakan media cangkang kerang untuk meningkatkan ...
Linda Pound and Trisha Lee....
Table of Content: 1. Predictors of Employability of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Graduates 2. Growth Mindset in Mathematics among Ninth-Grade Students via 5Ps Learning Mo...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masitah Shahriil & Wahid Yunianto ix Editorial Aprilia Nurul Chasanah 1-12 The Classification of Mathematical Literacy Ability in Cognitive Growth Learning Viewed from Multiple In...
Helping Parents Navigate the Early Childhood Education Enrollment Process: Experimental Evidence From New Orleans Lindsay Weixler, Jon Valant, Daphna Bassok, Justin B. Doromal, Alica Gerry School...
Daftar Isi: 1. Implementasi Traveller Game Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Keterampilan Sosial Siswa 2. Penerapan Metode Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Untuk Persamaan dan Perti...
Fantasy sports are a hit worldwide, and now teachers and parents can take advantage of this phenomenon to give students a reason to look forward to doing math. The games and activities in Fantasy Foot...
This book describes patterns of behavior, which collectively allow universities to exchange knowledge more effectively with industry, accelerate innovation and eventually contribute to economic growth...