Editorial Necrogeography and necroscapes: living with the dead Sarah Semple & Stuart Brookes Article Ancient history and new beginnings: necrogeography and migration in the North American midcon...
1. The History and Future of Migrationist Explanations in the Archeology of the Eastern Woodlands with a Synthetic Model of Woodlans Period Migrations on the Gulf Coast 2. From the neolithic to thr B...
Daftar Isi: 1. Kuliner, Tubuh, dan Identitas: Sebuah Pembacaan Gastro-Semiotika terhadap Sepilihan Puisi Karya Hanna Fransisca [Ahmad Zamzuri] (Balai Bahasa Provinsi daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) 2....
1. Kompetisi guru sekolah penggerak dalam menyusun modul ajar kurikulum merdeka 2. Pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan google sites dalam pembelajaran teks biografi kelas x SMA 3. P...
From Cataloguing to metadata creation is a cultural and methodological introduction to the new library context, tracing the evolution of cataloguing from early "traditional" approaches to the new meta...
50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world's finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley...
Contents: 1. Barriers to Inquiry-Based Instruction: A Longitudinal Study of History Teachers [Christopher C. MArtell] 2. "Reality Shock " of Beginning Teachers? Changes in Teacher Candidates' Emo...
Buku ini mengulas tentang sejarah dan peradaban dunia, mulai dari Mesir, Babilonia, Yunani, China, India, Andalusia, Roma hingga era ilmu pengetahuan yang sudah sampai puncak zaman keemasan, hingga ak...
Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research, 2nd Edition, is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and adm...
Accounting education ought to prepare future professionals to enter a principles-based, rules-oriented field of activity wherein technical knowledge of accounting standards (principles, rules and deci...
Principles and Concepts of Social Research is a text covering the foundations of social science research, outlining the history and core elements of Western social research. The text covers a variety ...
What skills are needed to ensure success as a school leader today? How do you ensure great teaching and learning is happening in your school? How do you build leadership capacity within your teams? To...
This book brings together a unique collection of chapters to facilitate a broad discussion on food education that will stimulate readers to think about key policies, recent research, curriculum positi...
Understanding Intellectual Disability: A Guide for Professionals and Parents supports professionals and parents in understanding critical concepts, correct assessment procedures, delicate and science-...
Pandemic Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the education system, pedagogical approaches, and educational ineq...
This book provides critical commentary on key issues around virtual reality, using media technology as a tool to challenge perspectives for learning and understanding cultural diversities. With a f...
Design and technology is a relatively new subject compared to more traditional subjects, and during its brief existence, it has garnered widespread debate in schools. This book aims to explore some of...