1109-1121 Simulated estimation to examinee parameter using newton-raphson method in application for language testing [Widiatmoko] 1122-1131 Concept, type, and way of creating authentic assessment [Ta...
Daftar isi 1. Pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dalam tuturan masyarakat Samin Arista Fatmawati 2. Beberapa kesalahan ejaan dalam jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Olahraga Medikora Endro Nugroho Wasono Aji 3...
Eksistensialisme toko utama dalam cerpen di Joyoboyo penyair berteman sunyi karya Eko Darmoko Dody Kristianto An analysis of non-verbal communication in academic presentation Yudi Juniardi, Di...
-Attitude of school principals toward the implementation of e-learning in school -The role of computer-assisted language learning in teaching English as a foreign language -The influence of genre-ba...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Pengembangan metode pembelajaran in-on-in berbasis video dan telegram di SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju [Sutikno] 2. Penerapan model pembelajaran community language learning untuk meningkatkan...
Daftar isi 1. Pengembangan metode pembelajaran in-on-in berbasis video dan telegram di SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju Sutikno 2. Penerapan model pemebelajaran Community Language Learning untuk menungkatkan k...
English on sky oncourage the student to develop their overall competence starting with their speaking skill, as suggested by the curriculum...
ELT beginner...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Initiative is a general English course which meets the needs of more advanced learners. It is particularly suitable for students pursuing English as part of their academic studies. With its focus on r...
Initiative is a general English course which meets the needs of more advanced learners. It is particularly suitable for students pursuing English as part of their academic studies. With its focus on r...
International Express is a two-level general English course for working adults at pre-intermediate and intermediate level. It has been designed to meet the practical language needs of professional adu...