This article tries to contribute the ideas concept and synergic action of universities, provincial government, and industries for preparing highly-qualified human resources to face APEC in 2020. None ...
1. Aspek Kesejarahan Rule and Law dalam Dimensi Negara Hukum Indonesia (Achmad Faishal) 2. Eksistensi Badan Koordinsi Penanaman Modal Daerah (BKPM-D) dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Penanaman Modal di Era O...
CONTENTS 1. editorial 787/from the editors'desk sherry a. southerland and john settlage published online 17 agustus 2016 2. research articles 791/why do secondary school students lose their i...
How to be a Nationalist in the cosmopolitan era? a historical and scientific reflection Dr. Reza A.A. Wattimena Kemandirian dan ketahanan pangan untuk menopang kedaulatan Bangsa Dr. Ir. Mohammad Ha...
Strategi komunikasi krisis di era digital Dani Miftahul Akhyar Bisakah perang dihindari? sejarah, anatomi dan kemungkinan perang di abad 21 Reza A.A Wattimena The European union's strategic ...
CONTENTS: The Anthropology of Corruption S1 Rethinking the Anthropology of Corruption S4 Fifty Years of Mafia Corruption and Anti-mafia Reform S16 Corruption Now and Then: Managing Threa...
AN.B T/H T...
Winner of the Booker Prize...
Linda Miller, Claire Cameron....
Contents Articles 133 Idiom acquisition by second language learners: the influence of cross-linguistic similarity and context Ebru Turker 145 The eefect of context and word exposure frequency on...
Feature Articles The complextiy of college readiness: differences by race and college selectivity Daniel Klasik and Terrell L. Strayhorn Comparing the effciency of schools through international ...
Asumsi kegiatan strategis untuk roadmap transformasi badan pemeriksaan keuangan Republik Indonesia Agus Joko Pramono, Hendy Hendharto 1 - 21 The relationship between the audit board of the republic ...
101. Teaching grammar in context 110. Skills and strategies 119. Which pronunciation norms and models for english as an international language? 127. Teaching language testing on a pre-service TEFL...