Setiap negara memiliki kebijakan yang berbeda dalam menggunakan pendekatan pada perencanaan pendidikannya. Hal tersebut disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan realitas di negara tersebut. Buku ini menggambark...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
When twelve-year-old Hugo, an orphan living and repairing clocks within the walls of a Paris train station in 1931, meets a mysterious toyseller and his goddaughter, his undercover life and his bigges...
Buku Linguistik Disruptif menawarkan pendekatan baru dalam memahami dan mempelajari bahasa, Pendekatan baru tersebut diperlukan karena bahasa mengalami perubahan disruptif akibat pesatnya perkembangan...
Microleaming in the Digital Age explores the design and implementation of bite-sized learning and training in technology enabled environments. Grounded in research-based best practices and a robust, e...
This book highlights decisions governments have to make about their public education system, the options they have before them and the consequences of their decisions. As well as covering issues such ...
Essentials for Blended Learning provides a practical, streamlined approach for creating effective learning experiences by blending online activities and the best of face-to-face teaching. Effective bl...
This book first emerged from a seminar series funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, key topics in this book is: the role of learning analytics and educational data science in schools, a ...
CD ini merupakan pendamping buku yang berjudul Panduan mudah belajar PLC & SCADA yang membahas mengenai PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) dengan menggunakan tipe PLC Siemens S7-300 yang sangat famil...
Buku ini dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil kajian secara teoritis dan empiris tentang perilaku belajar dan pembelajaran BIPA. Hasil kajian yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar acu...
Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan bernalar siswa ketika membaca teks (literasi) dan untuk menghadapi persoalan yang membutuhkan pengetahuan matematika (numerisasi). Kompetensi utama yang diu...
Di puncak resim yang penuh kekerasan, kisah ini bermula dari satu peristiwa: dua orang polisi memerkosa seorang perempuan gila, dan dua bocah melihatnya melalui lubang di jendela. Dan seekor burung me...
Accessible, insightful and a must-have toolkit for all final year doctoral students, the founders of the 'Thesis Boot Camp' intensive writing programme show how to survive and thrive through the chall...
Our students' success will be defined by their ability to read fluently and skilfully. But despite universal acceptance of reading's vital importance, the reading gap in our classroom remains, and it ...
Sejak dicanangkan dalam Konvensi PBB hampir tiga dasawarsa yang lalu, pengelolaan biodiversitas dengan segala peluang dan tantangannya selalu menarik perhatian. Selama itu muncul juga pemahaman dan ta...
How can schools make the most of both the technology and the learning potential of today's "born digital" students? In this new edition of their groundbreaking book, Collins and Halverson argue that n...
Organizations constantly need to adapt themselves to stay aligned with an ever-changing and increasingly complex environment. Corporate Universities puts "smart learning" at the forefront, with strate...
This textbook offers a fresh perspective into inclusive education needs, policies and practices through contextually relevant examples and cases. It is based on the curriculum guidelines prescribed by...
Sustainable development is a principled development process (land, city, business, community, etc) in meeting present needs without compromising the needs of future generations (Brundland in UN, 1987)...
situasi pandemi yang menyapu dunia saat ini terekam dalam sejumlah cerpen yang dimuat Kompas sepanjang tahun 2020. Akan tetapi, seperti halnya warna budaya, situasi pandemi adalah konteks. Cerita teta...
This practical book is designed to help school leaders develop a sustainable culture of learning across the curriculum. It offers a personal insight into how one school embraced a range of dialogic an...
This book explores recent trends in the knowledge-based society and education field in Asia-Pacific and discusses future challenges in the region. It presents studies on the development of scientific ...
This book is a call to action. It is about inspiring schools and school districts to commit to continuous school improvement by providing a framework that will result in improving teaching for every t...
Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia telah dimulai sejak masuknya Islam ke Nusantara. Pendidikan awal dalam bentuk pergaulan antara mubaligh/pendidik dan masyarakat sekitar. Setelah masyarakat Muslim terbent...
Indonesia saat ini dihadapkan oleh berbagai potensi dan tantangan di masa depan seperti bonus demografi, Revolusi Industri 4.0 dengan teknologi Big Data, Al, Clouds dan Cyber, serta pandemi COVID-19. ...
This book provides comprehensive materials with a deep analysis and description. Every chapter offers the definition of each notion with clear and deep elaboration. In addition, the readers are sugges...
The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders applies the wisdom and evidence of the Visible Learning research to understand what works best. Spanning topics from school climate at a distance, lea...
Tapping into the expertise of teachers who are successfully engaged in distance learning. The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning answers that question. Rich with a wide range of exa...