Metalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa daftar isi antaralain:: 1. Showing Explicit Presence In English Research Articles: Variation Across Indonesian And British Authors (Menampilkan Kehadiran Eksplisit...
Bidang Relawan Satgas Penanganan COVID-19 adalah Bidang yang menangani Relawan dalam Penanganan COVID-19. Pada awalnya, rekrutmen relawan dilakukan secara online melalui deskrelawan.bnpb. Pada ...
Seri Program Kurikulum Integratif (untuk Propinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam) merupakan bahan pembelajaran dan hasil pelatihan yang diperoleh melalui beragam kegiatan peningkatan kapasias 104 Guru dari 7...
Articles A Nation at Risk or a Nation in Progress? Naming the Way Forward Through Research in Teacher Education Robert E. Floden, Gail Richmond, Maria Salazar “It’s Not Really My Job”: A ...
Foundations of Educational Technology offers a fresh, interdisciplinary, problem-centered approach to educational technology, learning design, and instructional systems development. As the implementat...
Buku ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pembaca alternatif bacaan dalam bidang multiliterasi, khususnya dalam pedagogi multiliterasi. Beberapa konsep bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, namun bagaiman...
Buku ini memfokuskan pada kajian perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan pendidikan yang bercirikan kearifan lokal dengan perspektif etnopedagogi. Sedangkan kata Tanah Papua pada judul buuk ini, dimak...
Build, implement and optimize your digital marketing campaigns, with this indispensable guide which covers everything from SEO, social media, paid search and display advertising. The Digital Market...
Engaging Learners through Zoom delivers numerous practical strategies and helpful advice on how to engage students virtually. Many of the tools are also applicable in face-to-face and hybrid environme...
Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research, 2nd Edition, is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and adm...
In Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 3.0, accomplished educators Doug Lemov, Sadie McCleary, Hannah Solomon and Erica Woolway deliver a practical and hands-on workbook to show educators how to practic...
Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning—if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cogniti...
The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. Th...
Apply these eight learning principles for more effective teaching As educators in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, we are continuously challenged to keep our courses effective, engagi...
Making Sense of Change Management provides a thorough and accessible overview for students and practitioners alike. Without relying on assumed knowledge, it comprehensively covers the theories and mod...
So you’re ready to step into the classroom. Congratulations! First-Year Teaching For Dummies helps you sail through your first year, with tips they didn’t teach you in college. Discover your teach...
Add your voice to the podcasting revolution! The world is tuning into podcasts in larger and larger numbers. When you're ready to add your own voice to the mix, this book will help you find your niche...
Buku ini mengacu pada pemikiran tokoh pendidikan asal Brazil yaitu Paulo Freire. Konsep pedagogik yang dianutnya adalah bahwa pembelajaran literasi harus ada keterkaitan antara kata dan dunia, atau an...