This text is a go-to resource for those wanting to broaden their knowledge and critical understanding of how international education can be transformed in the future based on theory and research.? ...
Designing Personalized Learning Experiences offers theoretically grounded and pragmatic approaches to designing personalized learning initiatives for higher education and organizational contexts. With...
Principles and Concepts of Social Research is a text covering the foundations of social science research, outlining the history and core elements of Western social research. The text covers a variety ...
Characteristics and Conditions for Innovative Teachers: International Perspectives is a must-read for all those with an interest in teacher education and in enabling teacher innovation. It provides a ...
Inclusive College Classrooms provides instructors with research-based practices and tools to create an effective and inclusive classroom environment. Filling a visible gap in pedagogical training, thi...
Learning for the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a richly informed argument for curricular change to educate people towards achievement and success as intelligent machine systems proliferate. Descri...
The Teaching and Learning Playbook is a book and online resource containing more than 100 techniques that teachers and school leaders can use to drive improvements in their schools. Each technique inc...
Experiential Learning Design comprehensively demonstrates the key theories and applications for the design of experiential approaches to learning and training. Learning is gradually moving away from m...
Design and technology is a relatively new subject compared to more traditional subjects, and during its brief existence, it has garnered widespread debate in schools. This book aims to explore some of...
From the moment the first corporate university (CU) was created and the term was coined, the central metaphor of university has proved a double-edged sword. The emphasis on university has been a drivi...
Manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah pemanfaatan sejumlah individu secara efisien dan efektif serta dapat digunakan secara maksimal untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi atau perusahaan. Kajian Manajemen S...
Daftar Isi 1-10 Analisis Tipikal Kekerasan pada Anak dan Faktor yang Melatarbelakanginya 11-16 Profil Kreativitas Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun 17-27 Pembentukan dan Transformasi Core Values di Sekolah Alam ...
Bahan Diklat ini telah mendapatkan akreditasi dari LPTK yang mengacu pada silabi/kurikulum LPTK di sajikan dalam bentuk modul. Untuk mempelajari dan memahami modul ini pembaca di sarankan untuk belaja...
with CD...
Daftar Isi: 1. Implementasi Traveller Game Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Keterampilan Sosial Siswa 2. Penerapan Metode Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Untuk Persamaan dan Perti...
One of the noteworthy global achievements of the past two decades has been the remarkable increase in thenumber of children attending school and the number of children completing the primary cycle. A...
There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as...
Temuan kapal kuna dirembang (siswanto) Rembang dalam lintas perdagangan dan pelayaran nusantara (bambang budi utomo) Sumbangan pemikiran bagi penanganan kapal kuna punjulharjo, kabupaten rambang (y...
Daftar isi 1. Pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dalam tuturan masyarakat Samin Arista Fatmawati 2. Beberapa kesalahan ejaan dalam jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Olahraga Medikora Endro Nugroho Wasono Aji 3...
1. Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Melalui Metode Kooperatif Learning Pada Kelas IX.3 SMP Negeri 150 Jakarta - Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011 oleh Abdul Basir 2....
Focus on what matters: productivity Iwan Jaya Azis The Effect of self-leadership towards academic performance: the mediating effect of-academic self-efficacy. Case study on generation Y students in...
1. Kompetensi tutor kesetaraan pakaet C dan hasil belajar warga belajar pada pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat (Puji hadiyanti) 2. Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, pengetahuan prinsip dasar PLS, dan motiv...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Pengembangan Model On the Job Training berbasis Andragogi untuk Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Anak Usia Dini Nonformal (Misran Rahman) 2. Model Pelatihan Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan F...
Daftar isi 1.Stimulasi Perkembangan Anak melalui Permainan Tradisional Suku Batak Toba Stimulation of Children Development truogh Batak Toba Traditional Games Ivo Yani 2.Pengembangan Budaya Ba...
Demand for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia has been growing extensively, involving various involvement from industry and academia. Research related to the improvemen...
Microleaming in the Digital Age explores the design and implementation of bite-sized learning and training in technology enabled environments. Grounded in research-based best practices and a robust, e...