This third edition continues to guide students through the challenging field of special educational needs and disability. Contextualising SEND in relation to historical, ideological and political deve...
Dalam proses membangun kepribadian anak, kita akan mengenal beberapa virusyang akan merusak anak-anak sejak dini. Bahkan, dalam proses menjadi dewasa pun anak akan menjumpai beberapa virus yang bisa m...
1. Atttudes of Primary School Teachers towards Early Childhood Development in Zimbabwean Primary Schools (Taruvinga D. Mushoriva & Hannah P. Muzembe) 2. The Effect of Goal Setting and Mental Imagery ...
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. When making the grade isn't enough: The gendered nature of premed science course attrition by Eben B. Witherspoon, Dan Cooley, Amanda Kvalsvig, and Sharon Goldfeld 2. Positive ...
Contents Articles 155 The 2014 special educational needs and disablity code of practice: old ideology into new policy context? by Alan Hodkinson and Leah Burch 174 Fee-free education, decentra...
CONTENTS Special Issue: The Archeology of Medicine and Healthcare 365 new directions in the archaeology of medicien: deep-time approaches to human-animal-environmental care Julia Shaw and Naomi ...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Dwifungsi pengusaha dalam materialism - pragmatis kabinet kerja: Kajian semiotika kepemimpinan Saifur Rohman,M.Hum 11 Akar-akar revolusi mental John Situmean...
Contents : Special issue: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise? Educating Management Students about Stress, Performance and Wellness Guest Editors' Corner : - The Integrative Nature of Stress, Performance, an...