1. Negotiating the syllabus : a win-win situation? 2. The internet in every classroom? Using outside computers 3. Reverse-engineering communication tasks 4. The role on NLP in teachers classroom...
1. descriptions of spoken language for higher level learners: the example of questioning 4 2. A Concordance - and genre-informed approach to ESP essay writing 14 3. self-perception and practice in t...
1. The Use of Quality Pedagogic Language in the Teaching of English in Indonesian Setting (Didi Suherdi) 2. The Use of ICT and Communication Effectiveness among Secondary School Administrators (Eno E...
Daftar Artikel : 1. Looking Back at Obama's Campaign in 2008:'True Blue Populist" and Social Production of Empty Signifiers in Political Reporting (Anup Kumar) 2. Linguistic Capital and the Currency...
Contents: Editorial Editor's Introduction (John Haman) Articels 1. This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) 2. Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global...
1. Leading and Managing in the early Years: A Study of the Impact of NCSL Programme on Children's Centre Leaders' Perceptions of Leadership and Practice (Lynn Ang) 2. Using Information and Communicat...
1. The Changing Face of Language Learning: Learning Beyond the Classroom (Jack C. Richards) 2. Can Thinking be Taught? Linking Critical Thinking and Writing in an EFL Context (Sandhya Rao Mehta and R...
Gerakan 30 september: narasi "Dewan Jenderal" di situs berita utama indonesia tahun 2017 Muhammad Aswan Zanynu Konstruksi Keindonesiaan dalam film Tjokroaminoto Ahmad Toni Perempuan dalam pand...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Dwifungsi pengusaha dalam materialism - pragmatis kabinet kerja: Kajian semiotika kepemimpinan Saifur Rohman,M.Hum 11 Akar-akar revolusi mental John Situmean...
Daftar Artikel: Special Issue : Religion, Media, and Culture Co-editor : Jenna Supp-Montgomerie Editorial Interfolding Religion and Media Articles The Church Made Me Do It : Identity and Apology...
Karen Dempster and Justin Robbins....
Daftar Isi: 1. Psy-Zing up the Mainstreaming of "Gangnam Style": Embracing Asian Masculinity as Neo-Minstrelsy? (Michael K. Park) 2. "I Am Super Straight and I Prefer you be Too": Construction of He...
Guest Editors Corner Educating Students to Prepare for and Respond to Crises That Affect Organizations: An Introduction to the Special Issue (Debra R. Comer) Articles Imagining an Education in Cris...
Editor’s Corner 1. Passion and Purpose (Jane Schmidt-Wilk) Articles 1. Understanding Organizational Culture and Communication through a Gyroscope Metaphor (Ryan S. Bisel Amber S. Messersmith Jo...
Content: Editor's Corner Going Abroad (Jane Schmidt-Wilk Articles 1. Three Maodels for Short-Term Study Abroad (Daniel Sachau, Niel Brasher, and Scott Fee) 2. Developing Emotinal Awareness in ...
Daftar Artikel: Special Issue : The Mediated Political and Cultural Battle Over LGBTQ Equality Editorial Editor's Instroduction Shawn Harmsen Guest ESSAY Reflections on the Recent History and N...
Daftar Artikel: Editorials Editor's Introduction Shawn Harmsen Guest Introduction to the 40th Anniversary Issue : Manifestos, Web Pages, and Continuities in Criticality Ed McLuskie Articles Po...
Editor: 1. A Round Peg in a Round Hole: Intentionality in Publication “Fit” (Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie M. Forray) Research Article: 1. Identifying Research Topic Development in Business and Mana...
Editorial Editorial Introduction (John Haman) Articles This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global Connectivity as ...
Daftar Artikel: 1.Communication on the Civil Sphere: Discovering Civil Society in Journalism Studies (Kathy Roberts Forde) 2. Interest Group, Political Communication, and Jeffrey Alexander's Sociolo...