COVID-19: Cultural Change and Institutional Adaptations provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the relationship between cultures and institutions. The scholarship presented i...
The unprecedented rate of global, technological, and societal change calls for a radical, new understanding of literacy. This book offers a nuanced framework for making sense of literacy by addressing...
The Museums and Collections of Higher Education provides an analysis of the historic connections between materiality and higher education, developed through diverse examples of global practice. Out...
Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
Music Production Cultures draws on interviews with international educators, surveys completed by students of music production from around the globe, doctoral research findings and contextualised caree...
This handbook is a unique and major resource on modern educators of Asia and their contribution to Asian educational development through the 19th and 20th centuries when modernization started in Asia....
Buku ini merupakan bagian dari hasil penelitian para pakar di bidangnya tentang global village, yang mendiskusikan transformasi sosial dan budaya di tengah arus globalisasi, khususnya berkaca pada pen...
Kemana arah perubahan sosial pedesaan? Terutama untuk kasus tumbuhnya penambangan pasir rakyat yang massif selama booming pembangunan infrastruktur? Perlu dicari istilah yang general untuk kondisi itu...
“Big data” menjadi salah satu terminologi yang sering kita dengar atau baca dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Penelitian dengan memanfaatkan big social data mendapat pengaruh dari era komputasi (comp...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 106-107) and index.; A golden world -- Alone in a big family -- Coming out and growing up -- A miserable society wife -- Excitement of a political life -- Elean...
DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR REDAKSI ............................................................................................ iii UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH ....................................................
Daftar isi Patrawidya : seri penerbitan penelitian sejarah dan budaya volume 21 nomor 3, Desember 2020 1. Asketisme Perempuan Jawa Dalam Bayang Hedonisme Priayi Surakarta (Abad XIX- Awal Abad XX) 2....
1. Beberapa Hasil Penelitian Kutai Mulawarman 2008: Situs Muarakaman dalam Perspektif Kawasan (Sofwan Noerwidi) 2. Temuan Tradisi Budaya Austronesia Akhir Protosejarah (Megalitik) di Lembah Besoa, Su...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 369-372).; History of Maluku islands and the cultural impact of Spanish's and Portuguese's occupation on the social life of the Maluku people.;...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 620-656) and indexes.;...
Includes index....
Daftar Isi: 1. How PISA Examines equity in education: inclusion and fairness 2. Students' socio-economic status and in their performance 3. Academic resilience and well-being amongst disadvantage s...
Beragam kesenian rakyat didesa wanurejo.. kecamatan borobudur. kabupatem magelang. provinsi jawa tengah memiliki karakteristik unik yakni kesenian-kesenian itu merepresentasikan komunitas warga dusun....
Inclusion and education: All means all identifies the practices in governance and finance; curricula, textbooks, and assessments; teacher education; school infrastructure; and relations with students,...
Laporan ini mengkaji di mana pendidikan menemukan dirinya sekarang, antara janji masa lalu yang belum terpenuhi dan masa depan yang tidak pasti. Laporan ini menegaskan bahwa dierlukan pembaruan pendid...
1. Whiteness as a Dissonant State: Exploring One White Male Student Teacher's Experiences in Urban Contexts 2. Developing Preservices Teacher's Instructional Design Skills Through Case-Based Instruct...
The study examines the fiction of Black Women’s Renaissance. It focuses on the novels of the 1980s, which appreciated “culture-bearing” mothers as reproducers of the nation, to analyze the vexed...
During the First World War, conflicts between the people’s sacrifices and their political participation led to crises of parliamentary legitimacy. This volume compares British, German, Swedish and F...
"The objective of this book is to outline how a radically democratic politics can be reinvigorated in theory and practice through the use of the internet. The author argues that politics in its proper...
This insightful collection of essays explores the ways in which open education can democratise access to education for all. It is a rich resource that offers both research and case studies to relate t...
"This book argues that John Dewey should be read as a philosopher of globalization rather than as a 'local' American philosopher. Although Dewey's political philosophy was rooted in late nineteenth an...
Spectacle 2.0 recasts Debord's theory of spectacle within the frame of 21st century digital capitalism. It offers a reassessment of Debord’s original notion of Spectacle from the late 1960s, of its ...