Includes bibliographies....
Daftar Isi -Membangun Dunia yang Lebih damai -Memperkokoh Peran Integritas dan Akuntabilitas Sebagai Pilar Pembangunan -Manajemen Perubahan untuk Birokrasi -One Village One (superior) Product: An...
Article The academic as consumed and consumer Damien Page Value-added indicators for a fairer Chilean school accountability system: a pending subject Bernardita Munoz-Chereau , Andrés Anwandter &...
This open access book provides the first critical history of the controversy over whether to cull wild badgers to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British cattle. This question has p...
"The objective of this book is to outline how a radically democratic politics can be reinvigorated in theory and practice through the use of the internet. The author argues that politics in its proper...
Daftar Isi : 1. Pernikahan dibawah umur dalam cerpen Ahmad Tohari dan Pramoedya Ananta Toer 2. Makna narasi pesona dalam lirik kanbati kulisusu 3. Potret kondisi sosial masyarakat Jawa dalam naskah...
The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites presents a fascinating picture of the ways in which today's cultural institu...
The Republic of Korea is now bracing up for its next miracle. After the establishment of the Republic in 1948 and three years of the Korean War, it has made a remarkable economic growth and political ...
This book describes patterns of behavior, which collectively allow universities to exchange knowledge more effectively with industry, accelerate innovation and eventually contribute to economic growth...
Daftar isi: 1. Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Tae’ (The Form, Function, and Meaning of Euphemism in Tae’ Language) (Jusmianti Garing) 2. Fungsi dan Makna Na Dalam Bahasa Makassa...
Daftar isi: 1. Pertimbangan Selera-Bahasa Konsumen dalam Pembuatan Iklan Televisi Nasional (Consideration Consumer Taste of Language in Making of National Televison Advertising) (Sriyanto) 2. Penggu...
bahasa iklan dan pemberdayaan perempuan: sebuah kajian komunikasi dan bahasa terhadap iklan tv produk "citra" the language of adverstising and woman empowermnet: a study of communication and langua...
Eksistensialisme toko utama dalam cerpen di Joyoboyo penyair berteman sunyi karya Eko Darmoko Dody Kristianto An analysis of non-verbal communication in academic presentation Yudi Juniardi, Di...
Meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran Example non Example Destrisya Andru 905-911 Peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar menulis analytical exposition melalui model Di...
Today, more than ever, the state of a country's science and technology is a critical factor for economic competitiveness and long-term growth. This book traces the development of science and technolog...