"The objective of this book is to outline how a radically democratic politics can be reinvigorated in theory and practice through the use of the internet. The author argues that politics in its proper...
This insightful collection of essays explores the ways in which open education can democratise access to education for all. It is a rich resource that offers both research and case studies to relate t...
"This book argues that John Dewey should be read as a philosopher of globalization rather than as a 'local' American philosopher. Although Dewey's political philosophy was rooted in late nineteenth an...
Spectacle 2.0 recasts Debord's theory of spectacle within the frame of 21st century digital capitalism. It offers a reassessment of Debord’s original notion of Spectacle from the late 1960s, of its ...
Society is never just a localized aggregate of people but exists by virtue of its members’ narrative and conceptual awareness of other times and places. In Jukka Siikala’s work this idea evolves i...
Players and Arenas brings together a diverse group of experts to examine the interactions between political protestors and the many strategic players they encounter, such as cultural institutions, rel...
Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity emerges from, and speaks to, recent sociological considerations of ‘transgender.’ The term ‘transgender’ denotes a range o...
This open access book is the culmination of many years of research on what happened to the bodies of executed criminals in the past. Focusing on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it looks at th...
How do interventions by the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court influence representations of mass violence? What images arise instead from the humanitarianism and diplomacy fields...
Built in the 1890s at the center of the nation, Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary was designed specifically to be a replica of the US Capitol Building. But why? The Prison of Democracy explains the pol...
Social media is an increasingly important part of academic life that can be a fantastic medium for promoting your work, networking with colleagues and for demonstrating impact. However, alongside th...
This book provides an alternative insight to the debate on inequality in Malaysia, by focusing on the distribution of wealth or assets, rather than income. Despite tremendous increase in national inco...
Buku ini mencoba menyajikan secara sistematis berbagai temuan survei " SIkap keberahaman siswa dan mahasiswa indonesia" yang mengindikasikan adanya kegalauan identitas keagamaan pada generasi muda...
Buku ini berisi hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dan praktik-praktik pengelolaan OSIS di sekolah. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut ditemukan bahwa, potensi tumbuhnya pandangan-pandangan keagamaan yang in...
Massifnya interaksi dan komunikasi digital antara warga telah menciptakan kesan dualisme antara dunia nyata dan dunia maya, sehingga sulit mengenali dengan baik batas-batas yang tegas antara wacana di...
The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites presents a fascinating picture of the ways in which today's cultural institu...
Buku ini sendiri merupakan sebuah laporan dari pelaksanaan pertemuan ASEAN COCI ke-50, yang tidak hanya ditujukan kepada para pemangku kepentingan saja, namun juga kepada masyarakat umum agar turut me...
Tujuan pendidikan bukan sekadar memastikan bahwa peserta didik menguasai pengetahuan yang diberikan di ruang kelas namun juga memastikan bagaimana mereka dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan tersebut. Un...
Daftar isi 1. Morfologi kota-kota di Priangan Timur pada abad XX-XXI; studi kasus kota Garut, Ciamis, dan Tasikmalaya Cities Morfologi in East Priangan of the 20th and 21th and Century: a case stud...
Daftar isi 1. Tahuli dan Tahuda: tradisi lisan dan pembentuk karakter Bangsa di masyarakat Gorontalo Tahuli and Tahuda: Oral Tradition and Shaping Society National Character in Gorontalo Salmin Dj...
Daftar Isi -Lembar Dewan Redaksi (i) -Pengantar Redaksi (ii) -Daftar Isi (iii) -Lembar Abstrak (iv) -Abstract Sheet (v) -Budianto Hakim Sebaran Situs Paleotik di Tepi Aliran Sungai Walennae, Wi...
Hasil Penelitian : 1. Oriental : Budaya Indis dalam Tetralogi Pulau Buru Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer (Oriental: Indis Culture in the Study of Buru Tetralogy by Pramoedya Ananta Toer), (Puji Retno Har...
Daftar isi: 1. Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Tae’ (The Form, Function, and Meaning of Euphemism in Tae’ Language) (Jusmianti Garing) 2. Fungsi dan Makna Na Dalam Bahasa Makassa...
Daftar Isi 1. Konjungsi bermakna "dan" dalam Bahasa Maanyan (Kity Karenisa) 2. Tinjauan Intrinsik dua lakon drama konvensional dan inkonvensional Putu Wijaya : Bila Malam (Dapy Fajar Raharjo) 3. ...
- Bridging a collaborative learning in process writing through Weblog: An experiment for Indonesian learners -Learning social studies at primary schools: a multilevel analysis for research policies ...
-Attitude of school principals toward the implementation of e-learning in school -The role of computer-assisted language learning in teaching English as a foreign language -The influence of genre-ba...
-The strategy of nation's character education -The development of character education and its' implementation at educational unit in Indonesia -Developing a civilized nation's character -The develo...