Contents: 1. Barriers to inquiry-based instruction: a longitudinal study of history teachers [Christopher C. MArtell] 2. "Reality shock " of beginning teachers? changes in teacher candidates' emo...
Article Regulating private support for public goods: de-clubbing public schools Susanna Schaller & Elizabeth Nisbet All against all competition: the incorporation of the International Baccalaureate...
Original release date: 14 Jun 2013.Director, Zack Snyder ; screenplay, David S. Goyer (screenplay), David S. Goyer (story), Christopher Nolan (story), Jerry Siegel (Superman created by), Joe Shuster (...
The relevance of expertise to professional education and practice is explored in this collection of original contributions from educationalists, philosophers and psychologists. Discusses the increa...
How People Learnprovides L&D professionals a new way of thinking about learning by exploring what happens when we learn. It shows how to apply insights from neuroscience, human behaviour and artificia...
This book provides critical commentary on key issues around virtual reality, using media technology as a tool to challenge perspectives for learning and understanding cultural diversities. With a f...
Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Throug...
Services Marketing adalah sebuah buku teks terkemuka yang memaparkan secara komprehensif hasil riset terbaru, tren industri, teknologi, media sosial, dan kasus global yang berkaitan dengan bisnis laya...
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Bibiliography: p260.C...
JK 427.42 Num copies: 003....
DAFTAR ISI 1. Leksikon dan Taksonomi Emosi Bahasa Tombulu (Nova Olvie Mandolang) 2. Kata Tugas Bahasa Melayu Manado (Stelny H. Perutu) 3. Penggunaan Wacana Grafiti Masyarakat Kota Manado (Sri Dihar...
Banyak suara bermunculan yang berpendapat bahwa Perjanjian Baru telah diubahkan sepanjang sejarahnya dan oleh karena itu Perjanjian Baru saat ini tidak mewakili teks aslinya, yang ditulis pada abad pe...