There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as...
1. 'Jurnal Cinta Andromeda' Karya SJ. Tsurayya: Sebuah Kritik (Moh. Muzakka Mussaif) 2. Kasih dan Kepedulian Masyarakat Selatan dalam Cerpen "A Rose for Emily" Karya William Faulkner (Kahar Dwi Priha...
Daftar isi: 1. Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Tae’ (The Form, Function, and Meaning of Euphemism in Tae’ Language) (Jusmianti Garing) 2. Fungsi dan Makna Na Dalam Bahasa Makassa...
Daftar isi: 1. Pertimbangan Selera-Bahasa Konsumen dalam Pembuatan Iklan Televisi Nasional (Consideration Consumer Taste of Language in Making of National Televison Advertising) (Sriyanto) 2. Penggu...
Analisis cerita tupai janjang teori fungski william r bascom efirson ekranisasi, sebuah model pengembangan karya sastra herman r relevansi nilai pendidikan karkater cerita anak nusantara denga...
it was a long time ago, in the kingdom Tof Pasir Batang, The recent king, Prabu Tapa Agung, felt that it was time for him to abdicate the throne, and it was his will that his youngest daughter be his ...
The story of 'Dermawan and Muzakir' is extracted from the legend of "The Golden Watermelon" from Sambas, West Kalimantan. It tells us about Dermawan and Muzakir, two brothers with two opposite charact...
Buku Fraktur Torakolumbal ini ditulis dengan latar belakang bahwa pemahaman mengenai fraktur Torakolumbal sangat diperlukan. Buku ini disajikan dengan menarik berdasarkan pengamatan dari berbagai sumb...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
This unique books records the development of the Indonesian Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry from its birth to its present dynamic state. It is the story of cooperation within a large group of ski...
Includes index....
Includes index.; ©2015 Kompas Media Nusantara.;...
science learning in everyday life 517/focus on ... equity and out of school learning what science and for whom? an introduction to our focus on equity and out-of-school learning leslie rupert he...
Studying Figurines (joyce marcus) "Every Tradesman Must Also be a Merchant" : Behavioral ecology and household - level production for better and trade in premodern economies (Kathryn demps, bruce win...
JK 072.1 Num copies: 001....
JK 069.09421 Num copies: 002....
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Contents Editorial Responding to the Challenge of New Standards Articles Collaborating to Address the Challenge of Academic Language The Three-Story Challenge Implications of the Next Gener...
Contents Articles 155 The 2014 special educational needs and disablity code of practice: old ideology into new policy context? by Alan Hodkinson and Leah Burch 174 Fee-free education, decentra...
Contents : 1. Learning to Feel like a Scientist ( Lama Z. Jaber and David Hammer ) 2. Utilizing Multifaceted Rasch Measurement Through FACETS to Evaluate Science Education Data Sets Composed of Judg...
research articles 8/styles of scientific reasoning: a cultural rationale for science education? per kind and jonathan obsorne published online 26 september 2016 32/development and validation o...
Tantangan Kepemimpinan: Berani Mengambil Keputusan Dalam Suasana Etika Yang Terpuruk John Situmeang Making Knowledge-Based Economic Sectors Work To Alleviate Poverty in Indonesia Genia Sembada ...
Daftar isi 1. on the 'fabric' of our global science education research community: the art and science of writing for the journal of research in science teachng: Fouad Abd-El-Khalick and Dana L. Ze...