There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as...
Massifnya interaksi dan komunikasi digital antara warga telah menciptakan kesan dualisme antara dunia nyata dan dunia maya, sehingga sulit mengenali dengan baik batas-batas yang tegas antara wacana di...
This book provides companionship through rich stories from schools around the world that have crated wellbeing practices that work for their schools...
The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites presents a fascinating picture of the ways in which today's cultural institu...
As an effort to partray the richness of how language is used by the society, the book entitled Sociolinguistics : A Social Linguistics Reality is a book worth reading to highlight the recent issues on...
The book entitled "An Introduction to Research Method in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Guide" is a very practical and accessible book that offers a comprehensive overview of research methodology in...
The Baron adalah serial televisi Inggris yang menceritakan tentang seorang agen barang-barang antik yang kadang-kadang menjadi seorang agen rahasia. Episode Diplomatic Immunity mengisahkan tentang pen...
JKVID FICTION Num copies: 001....
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Doctor Who adalah serial fiksi ilmiah yang diputar di Inggris melalui perusahaan penyiaran BBC. serial ini menceritakan tentang petualangan seorang Penguasa waktu- seorang alien humanoid yang menjelaj...
Memuat kisah hidup dari Lord Mountbatten. Seorang admiral dari angkatan laut Inggris Raya....
Kehidupan sungai dan habitatnya. Terdiri dari cerita hamster, bebek dan sebagainya. The Night the moon came down to bathe, Bubbles, etc....
Marketing guru Philip Kotler shows entrepreneurs how to market their companies to investors How can businesses do a better job of attracting capital? The answer: "Marketing!" Marketing expert Philip ...
The Republic of Korea is now bracing up for its next miracle. After the establishment of the Republic in 1948 and three years of the Korean War, it has made a remarkable economic growth and political ...
This book describes patterns of behavior, which collectively allow universities to exchange knowledge more effectively with industry, accelerate innovation and eventually contribute to economic growth...
Daftar isi 1. Morfologi kota-kota di Priangan Timur pada abad XX-XXI; studi kasus kota Garut, Ciamis, dan Tasikmalaya Cities Morfologi in East Priangan of the 20th and 21th and Century: a case stud...
Daftar isi 1. Tahuli dan Tahuda: tradisi lisan dan pembentuk karakter Bangsa di masyarakat Gorontalo Tahuli and Tahuda: Oral Tradition and Shaping Society National Character in Gorontalo Salmin Dj...
Daftar isi 1.Kalimat penobatan raja:logika semiotik orang moronene di pulau kabaena The king coronation speech: semeotic logics of moronene in kabaena island Hksa biopsi puji hastuti 2.Perana...
Daftar Isi Konstruksi Nilai Multikulturalisme pada Masyarakat Haurgeulis Kabupaten Indramayu The construvtion of Multiculturalism Values in Haurgeulis Society, Indramayu Regency Suciyadi Ramdhani...
Daftar isi Naskah beatwi: skriptorium dan dekorasi naskah Betawi script: scriptorium and decoratiom sript Mu'jizah Pembauran etnis cina dan kaum bumiputra di kota garut pada abad XX Ethnic as...
Daftar Isi Representasi "Perempuan Matang" dalam Majalah Pesona (Femina Group) di Indonesia Representation of Mature Women in Pesona Magazine (Femina Group) Indonesia Lina Meilinawati Rahayu ...
Daftar Isi -Lembar Dewan Redaksi (i) -Pengantar Redaksi (ii) -Daftar Isi (iii) -Lembar Abstrak (iv) -Abstract Sheet (v) -Budianto Hakim Sebaran Situs Paleotik di Tepi Aliran Sungai Walennae, Wi...