Editorial What data and measures should inform teacher preparation? reclaiming accountabillty Tonya Bartell, Robert Floden, and Gail Richmond Research/Empirical Evaluating teacher prepar...
Editorial Research that llluminates enduring dilemmas in teacher education Gail Richmond, Robert E. Floden, and Corey Drakte Articles Marching forward, marching in cirles: a history of pro...
Daftar isi 1. editorial topics in teacher education research: what do we publish? Stephanie L. Knight,, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Jacqueline Edmondson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan, Jr,...
Contents A Teacher Like Me: A Review of the Effect of Student-Teacher Racial/Ethnic Matching on Teacher Perceptions of Student Academic and behavioral Outcomes Christoper Redding A Systematic ...
Daftar isi 1. the gaene-generalized acceptance of evolutin evaluation: development of a new measure of evolution acceptance: Mike U. Smith, Scott W. Snyder, and Radoplh S. Devereaux published onli...
special section on "archaeometric approaches to the archaeology of northern hunter-gatherers"; guest edited by lan scharlotta, kristin safi, lindsey g. friedman. flexible approaches; adapting anal...
Feature Articles Twelfth annual brown lecture in education research So that any child may succeed: indigenous pathways toward justice and the promise of brown Teresa L. McCarty The relationship...
Feature Articles How much do test scores vary among school districts? new estimates using population data, 2009-2015 Erin M. Fahle and Sean F. Reardon Rethinking connections between research a...
Effects of sef-regulation prompts in hypermedia learning on learning performance and self-efficacy N.M. Muller, T. Seufert Is technology-enhanced feedback encouraging for all in finnish basic ed...
A. 1 Pengantar B. 3 Tujuan dan Metodologi Penelitian C. 3 Latar Belakang Sejarah Dari Audit 1. Sebelum 1840-an 5 2. 1840 - 1920-an 5 3. 1920 - 1960-an 5 4. 1960 - 1990-an 6 5. 1960 - SAAT I...
1. Karakteristik satelit penginderaan jauh alos untuk misi pemetaan dan potensi data untuk aplikasi pemetaan Gokmaria Sitanggang 2. Penentuan model pola hari tenang stasiun geomagnet Tanggerang men...
CONTENTS Research Articles - What Do We Mean by Science Education for Civic Engagement ?: John L. Rudolph and Shusaku Horibe Published online 22 December 2015 in Wiley Online Library - The Dev...
1. analisis tema cerita rakyat berbahasa Tonea: Suatu ungkapan pola pikir masyarakat Tonsea (Maya P. Warouw) 2. Pola klasifikasi kosakata dalam wacana kampanye calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur Sulaw...
1. Memahami "semak Belukar" melalui pembacaan dekonstruksi derrida (ratun Untoro) 2. Partikelisasi bahasa Melayu Manado (Nuraidar Agus) 3. Kajian Etnolinguistik: Ungkapan salam tradisional jawa dan...