Previous ed.: published as An outline of modern psychiatry by JenniferHughes. 1991....
Buku ini dirancang untuk membantu siswa pada kursus 'A' Level atau GNVQ Advanced untuk menyelesaikan proyek menggunakan paket perangkat lunak MS Word. Ini mengasumsikan sangat sedikit pengetahuan Word...
Includes indexSummary: An entry-level manual to scuba diving produced by the BritishSub-Aqua Club. The manual covers all the topics that a new diver will need to know about. Chapters cover areas such ...
The invitation to serve as Minister of Education and lead a bold and significant reform of an education system never comes with an instruction manual. Leading such an opportunity effectively, requires...
Buku ini ingin mengambil jalan moderat, dengan menawarkan upaya mengurai peran keduanya sebagai jalan mencari kebenaran. Ada apresiasi atas segi-segi sains yang bermanfaat bagi agama, terutama dalam m...
Beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter berdasarkan prinsip Islam telah diperkenalkan di berbagai negara untuk mengelola peredaran uang. Penggunaan instrumen moneter ini pun terus berkembang dari waktu k...
This is our memoir as foreigners in the land of Tenganan Pagringsingan. This memoir of the eye and of life in honing the sensitivity of mind and feeling, in exploring the vast field within the body....
1. Whiteness as a Dissonant State: Exploring One White Male Student Teacher's Experiences in Urban Contexts 2. Developing Preservices Teacher's Instructional Design Skills Through Case-Based Instruct...
Teak at Mala Ayer Forest Reserve Plantations, Perlis, Malaysia. Tapering trunks reach for the sky in a crown of sparse verdure rejoicing in the morning sun....
When in Britain is a task-based providing a variety of communicative ativities for students who have already studied English for two or more years. its aim is to improve communicative skills, in parti...
This book tell abaout story of the tree who loved a boy. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk... and the tree was happy. But as...
Judul artikel: Echos de la Recherche = Gema Penelitian 1. Singapura before Raffles : Archaelogy and the Seas 2. ICAS 11th, Leiden, The Netherlands 3. The International Intensive Course in Old Jav...
Buku ini akan menuntun kita untuk memanfaatkan knowledge management secara optimal. Penulis memaparkan secara menyeluruh konsep knowledge management, sarana-sarana yang diperlukan, dan cara menerapkan...
Table of contents : 1. Zakaat on outstanding Debt 2. The differences between the rebels (bughaat) and the khaarijites and the consequences of these differences 3. Protection of the rights of non mu...
Daftar Isi -Politik Hukum Perlindungan Non-Derogable Rights Pekerja Migran Indoensia Tidak Berdokumen -Penjaminan Simpanan Dari Wktu ke Waktu(Studi Penjaminan Simpanan di Indonesia) -Perlindungan ...
Daftar Isi Gadjah Mada : International Journal of Business 1. Product Development Categorized as Independent Strategic and Innovative Practice : Case from Indian manufacturing 2. Testing of the Rica...
Contents: 1. Genotypic And Phenotypic Characterization Of Alcaligenes Javaensis JG3 Potential As An Effective Biodegrader 2. Phenotypic And Molecular Characterization Of Multishoots Development In...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masitah Shahriil & Wahid Yunianto ix Editorial Aprilia Nurul Chasanah 1-12 The Classification of Mathematical Literacy Ability in Cognitive Growth Learning Viewed from Multiple In...
Bahan Diklat ini telah mendapatkan akreditasi dari LPTK yang mengacu pada silabi/kurikulum LPTK di sajikan dalam bentuk modul. Untuk mempelajari dan memahami modul ini pembaca di sarankan untuk belaja...
Article The academic as consumed and consumer Damien Page Value-added indicators for a fairer Chilean school accountability system: a pending subject Bernardita Munoz-Chereau , Andrés Anwandter &...
An Introduction to Distance Education is a comprehensive look at the field of distance education, outlining current theories, practices, and goals that are essential to effective design, delivery, and...