As the cornerstone of society, culture must lie at the heart of sustainable policies and strategies. Yet, despite its vital importance, key questions such as: 'How has culture influenced urban develop...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Leading the creative economy: Empowering creative industries as a source of Indonesian soft power I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia 11 Strategi pengembangan kepemi...
Study tasks in English is intended to enable non-native speakers of English, of intermediate level and upwards, to acquire the skills needed for English-medium higher education study. To use this book...
JKR 080 Num copies: 001....
A female pirate and her companion race against their rivals to find a hidden island that contains a fabulous treasure....
Contents: 1. Barriers to inquiry-based instruction: a longitudinal study of history teachers [Christopher C. MArtell] 2. "Reality shock " of beginning teachers? changes in teacher candidates' emo...
World archaeology vol. 51, no. 4, October 2019 1. Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis 2. Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinity 3. Presen...
World archaeology vol. 51, no. 4, October 2019 1. Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis 2. Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinity 3. Presen...
Articles: 1. A nation at risk or a nation in progress? naming the way forward through research in teacher education [Robert E. Floden, Gail Richmond, Maria Salazar] 2. “It’s not really my jobâ€...
Daftar Isi 1. Fokus 2. Inventarisasi Sastra 3. Kamus 4. Pameran 5. Literasi 6. Revitalisasi 7. Siaran 8. GIM 9. Kemah Sastra 10. Pemetaan 11. Pemantauan 12. Penelitian 13. Kebinekaan 1...
1. Online learning based on constructivism to support Universitas Terbuka distant learners 2. Pemanfaatan Pusat Sumber Belajar (PSB) digital untuk inovasi pembelajaran 3. Pengembangan e-UKBM kimia ...
Daftar Isi: 1. Menarasikan Ulang Label Koleksi Arca Camundi di Pusat Informasi Majapahit: Sebuah Tinjauan Biografi Benda 2. Tinggalan Arkeologi Masa Hindu-Budha Di Lasem: Sebuah Kajian Filoarkeolog...
Buku yang berjudul "Tia Ingin Seperti Naya" ini menceritakan kisah si Tia yang memiliki teman baru bernama Naya. Tia dan Naya sama-sama manis, sama-sama pintar, tetapi mereka memiliki kebiasaan yang b...
Pada buku yang berjudul "Saki Sakit Gigi" ini menceritakan tentang si Saki. Ia anak yang manis. Dia suka makan yang manis-manis. Saki suka makan es krim, permen, dan cokelat. Pada suatu hari gigi saki...