One of the constant criticisms of adult education services has always been the lack of expertise for programme planning, for which needs analysis is a prerequisite to ensure relevance in terms of both...
Globalization; Science education; Science curricula; Large scale international assessments; Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey; TIMSS; Policy borrowing; Curriculum reform; IEA Rese...
he book explores the idea that pedagogy for autonomy requires the integration of teacher and learner development and can be enhanced through a case-based approach in teacher education. A case-based...
The State, Business and Education contributes to the ongoing debates surrounding the effects of public funding of private entities by examining the ways in which they affect the quality and equity of ...
The question of quality has become one of the most important framing factors in education and has been of growing interest to international organisations and national policymakers for decades. Politic...
This volume brings together excellent scholarship and innovative policy discussion to demonstrate the essential role of higher education in the development of Africa and of the world at large. Based o...
For more than 30 years, certain governments, individuals and organisations have actively promoted computers as learning technologies. Enormous amounts of money and time have been spent promoting spe...
Previous ed.: 1997Includes bibliographical references and index...
Content 1. Plastic Chair Versatility as aproach to construct pasar baru informal space. Roland Tejo Prayitno, Yandi Andri Yatmo, Paramita Atmodiwirjo 2. assessing public preception for ilumina...
profesional development for equity: what consitutes powerful professional learning? darinda j. carter andrews and gail richmond 408 articles flipping the classrom in teacher education: implicati...
Content 1. Cracking the code : the social mobility commission and education policy discourse joseph maslen 2.Wahat role of education for youth? discourse within the european union's structured dia...
Feature Articles 493 - Socioeconomic Segregation and School Choice in American Public Schools Dave E. Marcotte and Kari Dalane 504 - The Price of Mission Complexity: A National Study of the Impac...
racial and ethnic discrimination in the labor market for child care teacher 394 worsening school segregation for latino children? 407 bruce fuller, yoonjeon kim, claudia galindo, shruti bathia, ma...
Editorial how teacher education can elevate teacher quality: evidence from research robert e. floden, gail richmond, corey drake, and emery petchauer articles predictive validity and impact ...
contents editorial changing the narrative on diversifying the teaching workforce: a look at historical and contemporary factors that inform recruitment and retention of teachers of color 6 Do...
DAFTAR ISI Editorial 1. Leveraging Research for Teacher Education Policy, Design, and Practice. Gail Richmond and Robert E. Floden Articles 1. Are We Preparing or Training Teachers? Developing P...
Contents Editorial Responding to the Challenge of New Standards Articles Collaborating to Address the Challenge of Academic Language The Three-Story Challenge Implications of the Next Gener...
1. The Bibliometrics of Vocabulary Acquisition: An Exploratory Study (Paul Meara) 2. The Effects of a Speed Reading Course and Speed Transfer to Other Types of Texts (Tran Thi Ngoc Yen) 3. Repeating...
1. Language Program as Ecology: a Perspective for Leadership (Martha C. Pennington and Barbara J. Hoekje) 2. The Possible Cultural Consequences for Children as They Learn to Read in English at Primar...
Contents School leadership and student outcomes in Asia What makes the difference? Articles An effective model of teacher appraisal Evidence from secondary schools in Shanghai, China What ...
1. Out of order 2. Smaller and safer 3. Beyond moderates and militants 4. Bringing Israel's bomb out of the basement 5. How to handle hamas 6. Staying power 7. Russia's new nobility 8. Defend...
Contents Editorial The enduring power of transformational leadership Articles Transformational leadership in the educational system of the United Arab Emirates Tempering the normative deman...