Contents: Editorial Editor's Introduction (John Haman) Articels 1. This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) 2. Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global...
EDITORIAL: 1. Leadership and Research in the 21st Century (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Leadership for Researcher Development: What Research Leaders Need to Know and Understand (Linda Evan) 2. Are A...
1. Leadership for Learning: Does Collaborative Leadership Make a Difference in School Improvement? (Philip Hallinger and Ronald H. Heck) 2. Leadership, Management and Pupils’ Academic Attainment: R...
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. When making the grade isn't enough: The gendered nature of premed science course attrition by Eben B. Witherspoon, Dan Cooley, Amanda Kvalsvig, and Sharon Goldfeld 2. Positive ...
contents : 1. Equality and justice in education policy by Meg Maguire 2. Mapping transgender policyscapes: a policy analysis of transgender inclusitivity in the education system in Ontario by Wayne ...
Daftar isi guest editors' corner 1. unlocking learning discovering the keys to effective assessment Tracey H. Sigler and Kenneth S. Rhee a conversation on rubrics 2. crossing the rubric-con ...
special section on "proceedings of the second international conference on neutron imaging and neutron methods in archaeology and cultural heritage (ninmach):; guest edited by Laszlo Szentmiklosi, kata...
Regular Articles Micro-RTI as novel technology for the investigation and documentation of archaeological textiles Y. Goldman, R. Linn, O. Shamir, M. Weinstein-Evron Copper metallurgy in ancient...
1 editorial: the international review of the red cross: withness to the humanitarian revolution vincent bernard, editor-in-chief voices and perspectives 11 three short essays in honour of th...
1. Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Mata Kuliah Mekanika Teknik melalui Quis Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (V. Lilik H.) 2. Studi Eksplorasi tentang Jiwa Entrepreneurship di Kalangan Mahas...
Daftar isi editorial 1. contextualizing versus internationalizing research on teacher education: competing or complementary goals? Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Ga...
Daftar isi 1. editorial talking acroos the disciplines Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Jacqueline Edmondson, James Nolan Jr, Scott P. McDonald, and Anne Elrod Whitney 2....
Daftar isi editorial 1. getting our own house in order: from brick makers to buildres Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Jacqueline Edmondsson, James Nolan Jr., Scott P. McD...
Influences of temperature and length of storage on a viability of gayam ( Incarpus Edible ) seeds Ninik Setyowati, N. W/ Utami and A. H. Wawo 1 Purification and properties of mannanase from aspergil...
1. Fungsi Bank Indonesia sebagai "Lender of Last Resort" dalam Penyaluran dan Penyelesaian Kebijakan Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (Rachmadi Usman) 2. Fungsi Izin Pemberian Kuasa Pertambangan dal...
1. Aspek Kesejarahan Rule and Law dalam Dimensi Negara Hukum Indonesia (Achmad Faishal) 2. Eksistensi Badan Koordinsi Penanaman Modal Daerah (BKPM-D) dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Penanaman Modal di Era O...
1. Arti Penting Hermeneutika Hukum Islam Bagi Pembentukan Hukum Pidana Indonesia (Jalaluddin) 2. Budaya Hukum Dalam Perspektif Sistem Hukum (Djoni S. Gozali) 3. Hukum Islam dan Sumber-Sumbernya (H. ...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Denga kesehatan perempuan menuju Indonesia sehat (L.D. Azinar) 2. Manajemen risiko klinik (T.W. Utami, dkk) 3. Uji mutu papsmear sediaan kering sebagai alternatif pembuatan sediaan si...
1. Tantangan, harapan dan pengobatan alternatif dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas hidup wanita menopause (J. Rambulangi) 2. Paradigma baru mengenai miomektomi pada saat seksio sesarea (A....
1. Kematian ibu di indonesia, dapatkah kita mencapai target MDGs 2015? (A.B. Saifuddin) 2. Vaksin human papillomavirus : suatu alternatif dalam pengendalian kanker serviks di mas depan (M.F. Aziz) 3...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Perbandingan antara Kadar Fibronektin Plasma pada Kehamilan Normal dan Preeklampsia-Eklampsia serta Hubungannya dengan Tekanan Darah dan Derajat Proteinuri (B. Santoso dkk) 2. Early Di...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Upaya menurunkan angka kesakitan dan angka kematian ibu pada penderita preeklampsia dan eklampsia (R.H Roeshadi) 2. Pemeriksaan pH dan LEA vagina dengan dipstick sebagai metoda penapi...
Daftar isi 1. polemik teks komsas di malaysia: kaitan antara nilai kesastraan dan anugerah sastra Moch. Zariat Abdul Rani 2. conversational implicatures among students of english Rachmawati ...
Editorial A Call to action for teacher preparation programs: supporting critical conversation and democratic action in safe learning environments Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, Chezare...
Daftar isi a. Perkembangan modernisasi sistem pendidikan Islam di Indonesia melalui gagasan islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan b. Memahami gagasan oksidentalisme : studi tentang barat melalui cara pandang...
Editorial Research that llluminates enduring dilemmas in teacher education Gail Richmond, Robert E. Floden, and Corey Drakte Articles Marching forward, marching in cirles: a history of pro...
Daftar isi 1. editorial topics in teacher education research: what do we publish? Stephanie L. Knight,, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Jacqueline Edmondson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan, Jr,...
1. Literasi Informasi, Masyarakat dan Media Baru: Wacana Masyarakat Informasi dan Dinamika Teknologi Media (AG. Eka Wenats Wuryanta) 2. Dinamika Informasi dan Hukum di Dunia Maya (Welnaldi) 3. Kebij...
Daftar isi 1. examining the complexity of assessment and accountability in teacher education Stephanie L. Knight, Jacqueline Edmondson, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, James Nolan Jr., Anne Elro...