Kritik atas modernitas dalam novel bilangan fu karya ayu utami (bramantio) Perjuangan perempuan bangsawan bali dalam mempertahankan martabat dan harga diri (dara windiyarti) Representasi perilaku pr...
Daftar isi: 1. Pertimbangan Selera-Bahasa Konsumen dalam Pembuatan Iklan Televisi Nasional (Consideration Consumer Taste of Language in Making of National Televison Advertising) (Sriyanto) 2. Penggu...
Buku ini menggambarkan fisika secara umur dan disajikan dalam bentuk kartun.. Judul asli: The Cartoon guide to physics...
Editorial: 1. Professionalism and Accountability: Compatible or Incompatible? (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. School Leaders Leading: Professional Responsibility Not Accountability as the Key Focus (N...
Daftar isi 1. 5/epistemological trade-offs: accounting for context when evaluating epistemological sophistication of student engagement in scientific practices Leema Berland and Kathleen Crucet ...
research article - expectancy-value and children's science achievement: parents matter: julie a. thomas, and kamden k. strunk published online 3 february 2017 in wiley online library - position ...
Bibliography: p161-162.Bibliography: p161-162B...
JK 428.4 Num copies: 005.pi...
Social Skill Interventions for Youth an Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review Fengfeng Ke, Kelly Whalon, and Joonmo Yun. How Do We Model Learning at Scale? A Systematic Review ...
Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-228) and indexes.;...
part of the hugely popular English use series, this book offers reference and practice of specialist English vocabulary needed by both professional managers and MBA students training for a successful ...
William Powell, Ochan Kusuma-Powell ; foreword by Arthur L. Costa and Robert J. Garmston....
Includes bibliographical references and index.;...