Charming rogue pirate Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is back for a grand, swashbuckling, nonstop joyride filled with devilish pirate humor, monstrous sea creatures, and breathtaking black magic. N...
Written by people who have live in the country and experienced culture shock themselves, the authors share all the information necessary for anyone to cope with these feelings of disorientation more e...
The story of the past one hundred and fifty years of global exploration is inextricably bound up with that of the Royal Geographical Society. It is a stirring account of courage, dedication, stubborn ...
Contents Articles 269 Negative feedback on task repetition: ESL vs EFL child setting Agurtzane Azkarai and Ronda Oliver 281 Student motivation, school policy choices and modern language study in...
Contents Articles 133 Idiom acquisition by second language learners: the influence of cross-linguistic similarity and context Ebru Turker 145 The eefect of context and word exposure frequency on...
201 - Introduction Celebrating archaeology and the archaeology of celebration by Naomi Sykes, Chantal Conneller, John Schofield, Sarah Semple and Matthew Spriggs 210 - Articles David Clarke's Anal...
special section on "archaeometric approaches to the archaeology of northern hunter-gatherers"; guest edited by lan scharlotta, kristin safi, lindsey g. friedman. flexible approaches; adapting anal...
special section on "archaeological science in southern south america"; guest edited by Marcelo Morales, Augusto Tessone, Ramiro Barberena archaeological science in southern south america: an intr...
Feature Articles The complextiy of college readiness: differences by race and college selectivity Daniel Klasik and Terrell L. Strayhorn Comparing the effciency of schools through international ...
The costs and consequences of excess credit hours policies Dennis A. Kramer II, Michael R. Holcomb, and Robert Kelchen Does remediation work for all students? how the effects of postsecondary rem...
CONTENTS: 1. Does children's dialect awareness support later reading and spelling the standard language form? 1 2. The role of daily autonomous and controlled educational goals in students' academ...
115. Using literature at lower levels 125. Teenage books for teenagers 133. Repetition and learning by heart 142. Undertaking ESL/EFL programme review for accountability and improvement 150. Guide...
560. The search for our ancestors 624. Homo erectus unearted 630. Kluane: canada's icy wilderness park 658. The great good places...
2 the orinoco 32 roman shipwrecks 42 Australia by bike, part three 62 testing the waters of rongelap 76 ozarks harmony 100 life grows up 116 the vanishing prairie dog...
2 exploration: where do we go next? 6 revolutions in mapping 40 why explore? 46 queen maud land 70 jacques-yves cousteau 80 brides of the Sahara 92 remember the maine? 112 Australia by bike, pa...
32. photographs by maggie steber 58. photographs by amy toensing 76. photographs by michael melford 96. photographs by david liittschwager 112. photographs by william albert allard 140. photo by ...
1. The polygamists 2. One cubic foot 3. Patagonia's peril 4. Hubble renewed 5. Curious chimps...
1. King james bible 2. Cry for the tiger 3. Big cat politics 4. Japan's red zone 5. Upstart galaxies 6. Urban solution...