Original release date: 19 Jul 2013.Director, James Wan ; screenplay, Chad Hayes, Carey Hayes.Starring Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Lili Taylor, Ron Livingston.Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine...
Buku ini adalah sebuah petualangan ilmiah ke dalam seni dan ilmu bernapas. Buku ini menjelajahi transformasi yang terjadi di dalam tubuh kita setiap 3,3 detik, waktu yang diperlukan oleh rata-rata man...
Buku ini menyajikan dongeng-dongeng dari Persia dan India, dua negeri yang kaya akan kisah dan fabel. Cerita raykat yang dihadirkan cerita-cerita populer di negeri tersebut....
This book first emerged from a seminar series funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, key topics in this book is: the role of learning analytics and educational data science in schools, a ...
Buku ini berisi kisah-kisah para peraih mendali emas Olimpiade, CEO terkemuka, dan ilmuan-ilmuan istimewa yang telah menggunakan sains tentang kebiasaan-kebiasaan kecil untuk tetap produktif, tetap te...
Buku ini menyajikan berbagai strategi kegiatan belajar mengajar yang bisa digunakan mulai dari sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah....
Diabetes Management: Step by step adalah panduan untuk semua tenaga kesehatan profesional. buku ini memberikan pendekatan unik dan praktis kepada subjek dan terdiri dari dari 3 bagian: bagian 1 terdir...
Definitions of Third World and Development explores how various social and economic data are used to define what is meant by the term "Third World" and how the process of 'development' has been interp...
Now with updated texts, photos, maps and charts, Britain Explored takes a comprehensive look at the landscape, institutions and daily life of Great Britain....
AN.ELT advanced...
Editorial how teacher education can elevate teacher quality: evidence from research robert e. floden, gail richmond, corey drake, and emery petchauer articles predictive validity and impact ...
1. The Bibliometrics of Vocabulary Acquisition: An Exploratory Study (Paul Meara) 2. The Effects of a Speed Reading Course and Speed Transfer to Other Types of Texts (Tran Thi Ngoc Yen) 3. Repeating...
Editorial : 1. Interconnections in economic development and the free-flow of information as drivers for libraries and the information professions ( Steve Witt ) Articles : 1. Celebrating libraries ...
Editorial: 1. Professionalism and Accountability: Compatible or Incompatible? (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. School Leaders Leading: Professional Responsibility Not Accountability as the Key Focus (N...
1. Managing Method: A Critical Inquiry into Language Policy in a Tetiary Institution in the United Arab Emirates (Neil D. Hunt) 2. Learners Performing Tasks in a Japanese EFL Classroom: A Multimodal ...
CONTENTS 1. Competence and Performance in Language Teaching ( Jack C. Richards) 2. Beliefs about Language Learning: A Study of Malaysian Pre-Service Teachers (Mary Siew-Lian Wong) 3. Connectivity: ...