promoting learner autonomy through the curriculum: principles for designing language courses skills with EAP classes 109 (Sara Cotterall) Modelling and cognitive apprenticeship in teacher education 1...
training teachers to ask questions 99 (Geoff Thompson) Helping teachers to cope with large classes 106 (David Hayes) Raising the pedagogic status of discourse intonation teaching 117 (Charles Clenne...
245. On reporting what was said 252. Researching heterogeneity 264. Study skills and study cometence 274. Peer reviews in the ESL composition classroom 285. A holistic approach to college ESL 29...
240. Through the eyes of the learner 249. State of the ad 256. Gender differences and equal opportunities in the ESL classroom 262. Dictionaries are unpredictable 270. Computer conferencing 281....
1. Negotiating the syllabus : a win-win situation? 2. The internet in every classroom? Using outside computers 3. Reverse-engineering communication tasks 4. The role on NLP in teachers classroom...
Articles 1. problem-posing: a tool for curriculum renewel 297 2. participatory evaluation 308 3. the use of authentic materials at authenticity and learner authenticity 323 4. extensive reading:...
seeing what they meant: transcribing as a route to noticing 124 (Tony Lynch) Implementing ELT innovations: a needs analysis framework 133 (Alan Waters Ma. Luz C. Vilches) Developing language skills ...
Articles 1. the reflective l2 writing teacher 3 2. exploring different dimensions of languange use 11 3. real languange through poetry: a formula for meaning making 19 4. one-mont teacher train...
Articles 1. task-based interaction 149 2. teachers' theories in grammar teaching 157 3. facilitating second languange listening comprehension: acquiring successful strategies 168 4. abstracts ...
spoken grammar: what is it and how can we teach it? (Michael McCarthy and Ron Carter) developing a course strategy for learner autonomy (Sara Cotterall)...
1. descriptions of spoken language for higher level learners: the example of questioning 4 2. A Concordance - and genre-informed approach to ESP essay writing 14 3. self-perception and practice in t...
227. Diaries 240. Native-speaker norm and international english 250. Critical thingking in Japanese L2 writing 258. Moving on 273. Two complementary modes of foreigh language classroom interaction...
225. Focus on form-a myth in the making? 234. The arguments for and the meaning of quality 242. NNS teacher trainees in western-based TESOL programs 251. Ten question about language awareness 260....
editors' introduction 3 Joseph R. Cimpian, Julie A. Marsh, Paco Martorell, and Morgan S. Polikoff charter schools in turnaround: competing institutional logics in the tennessee achievement school...
1. Transliterasi arab-latin dalam bahasa indonesia (Dwi Atmawati) 2. Verba kontinuatif bhasa jawa : Kajian morfologis (Sunarti) 3. Penggunaan metafora sebagai kritik sosial politik dalam puisi Agus ...
1. The Use of Quality Pedagogic Language in the Teaching of English in Indonesian Setting (Didi Suherdi) 2. The Use of ICT and Communication Effectiveness among Secondary School Administrators (Eno E...
contents 1. the IFLA-UNESCO partnership 1947-2012 (Peter Johan Lor) 2. information-seeking by print media journalists in rajshahi, bangladesh (Md arman hossain and Md. Shariful islam) 3. digital ...
contents 1. the state of e-legal deposit in france: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future (Peter Stirling, Gildas Illien, Pascal Sanz and sh...
1. the finnish library system-open collaboration for an open society 2. the information needs and information-seekin behaviour of rural dwellers: a review of research 3. public libraries in afric...
1. The Perception of Academic Staff in Relation to Programme Re-Accreditation in South African Higher Education Institutions (Jacob M. Selesho) 2. The Development of Core Competencies at Higher Educa...
CONTENTS 1. cataloguing costume designs from the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival (Lorraine M. Nero) 2. Library and information science alumni of kuwait university: tracking positions and functions (T...
contents 1. a living, breathing revolution: how libraries can use 'living archives' to support, engage, and document social movements 2. archiving egypt's revolution: the university on the squa...
contents 1. a living, breathing revolution: how libraries can use 'living archives' to support, engage, and document social movements 2. archiving egypt's revolution: the university on the square...
CONTENTS 1. poverty alleviation through strategic public library servics in nigeria in the 21st century: a model (bappah magaji abubakar) 2. uniting the corpus of our collections through visualiza...
1. London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today (Karen Attar) 2. How library and information science academic administrators perceive e-learning in LIS school...
Contents: Editorial Editor's Introduction (John Haman) Articels 1. This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) 2. Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global...
Editorial : 1. Interconnections in economic development and the free-flow of information as drivers for libraries and the information professions ( Steve Witt ) Articles : 1. Celebrating libraries ...
Editorial : 1. The long-tail of global engagement and international librarianship ( Steven W. Witt ) Articles : 1. Internship in LIS education : An international perspective on experiental learning...
national digital content policies: a comparative study of arab and other countries the teachers' role in fostering independent learning in high schools in zanzibar connecting aga khan university...
Guest editorial : 1. IFLA Journal special issue on Cultural Heritage ( Douwe Drijfthout and Tanja de Boer ) Articles : 1. Indigeous cultural heritage preservation: A review essay with ideas for the...