Daftar Isi guru dan sekolah guru di sumatera barat tahun 1950-an gusti asnan (1) ins kayutanam: dinamika perkembangan 1926-1998 ajisman (11) rahmah el yunusiyah (1900-1969) : pendidik...
157-175. Studi kasus strategi pengembangan kabupaten temanggung sebagai kabupaten vokasi dalam menopang MP3EI 177-190. Kurikulum 2013 berdasarkan persepsi engku Moh. Syafei dengan nature curriculum 1...
CONTENTS 1. poverty alleviation through strategic public library servics in nigeria in the 21st century: a model (bappah magaji abubakar) 2. uniting the corpus of our collections through visualiza...
1. London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today (Karen Attar) 2. How library and information science academic administrators perceive e-learning in LIS school...
EDITORIAL: 1. Applying distributed leadership across contexts (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Synthesising theory and practice: Distributed leadership in higher education (Sandra Jones, Marina Harvey, G...
1. Young people and the evaluation of information on the World Wide Web: Principles, practice and beliefs. (Alison J. Pickard, Andrew K. Shenton and Andrew Johnson) 2. I just wanted to ask: A compari...
CONTENTS Research Articles - Learning in a Community of Practice: Factors Impacting English-Learning Student's Engagement in Scientific Argumentation: Maria Gonzalez-Howard and Katherine L. McNeil...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-227) and index.;...
Mendongeng berperan penting dalamm perkembangan bayi,karena membantu membangun keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berbahasa. Kegiatan ini juga sangat menyenangkan bagi orang tua bayi, menguatkan ikatan ka...
Rev. ed. of: The public relations handbook / Alison Theaker. 3rd ed. 2008.; Includes bibliographical references and index.;...
Includes index...
Old c/n: 0192624865....
Bibliography: p126-129.- Includes indexAt head of title: A pocket guide...