Kajian topik dalam buku ini menggunakan pendekatan arkeologi dan antropologi, serta berupaya menginterpretasikan fungsi dan maksa gambar telapak tangan gua prasejarah yang banyak ditemukan di Indonesi...
Diabetes Management: Step by step adalah panduan untuk semua tenaga kesehatan profesional. buku ini memberikan pendekatan unik dan praktis kepada subjek dan terdiri dari dari 3 bagian: bagian 1 terdir...
PEDEKA! merupakan sebuah buku yang berisikan kumpulan karya fotografer di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud). Dalam kesehariannya, para fotografer dikbud itu memiliki rutin...
1. Writing weekly interesting experience in english to improve writing ability by the students of english study program dayanu ikhsanuddin university baubau 2. Penerapan metode kooperatif the two sta...
Contents : 1 Lesson from the past and the future of food (Kelly Reed and Philippa Ryan) 17 Rethinking GIS, three-dimensionality and space perception in archaeology (Giacomo Landeschi) 33 Big ...
Editorial how teacher education can elevate teacher quality: evidence from research robert e. floden, gail richmond, corey drake, and emery petchauer articles predictive validity and impact ...
1. Out of order 2. Smaller and safer 3. Beyond moderates and militants 4. Bringing Israel's bomb out of the basement 5. How to handle hamas 6. Staying power 7. Russia's new nobility 8. Defend...
Marsono Akulturasi penyebutan konsepsi Tuhan pada teks sastra suluk Rahmat Sopian Potensi pemaknaan aksara Sunda kuno melalui naskah Bima Swarga Lilis Restinaningsih "kakawin" Sena: sebuah kakawi...
R. Bima Slamet Raharja Pakem grenteng: varian tradisi tulis pakem pedhalangan gaya Yogyakarta Jajang A Rohmana Asmarandana ngagurit kaburu burit: pengalaman didaktis kepesantrenan haji Hasan Mustap...
editorial 663 articles neena mahadev economic of conversion and ontologies of religious difference: buddhism, christianity, and adversarial political perceptian in sri lanka with ca comment 6...
Karsono H Saputra Naskah Panji koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional Prof. Dr. M. C. Ricklefs, FAHA Babad Giyanti: sumber sejarah dan karya agung sastra Jawa Hermansyah Kesultanan Pasai pencetus aksasara...
Teacher judgment accuracy regarding students' self-concepts: affected by social and dimensional comparisons? F. Helm, H. Muller-Kalthohff, R. Mukowski and J. Moller To the means and beyond: understa...
training teachers to ask questions 99 (Geoff Thompson) Helping teachers to cope with large classes 106 (David Hayes) Raising the pedagogic status of discourse intonation teaching 117 (Charles Clenne...
editors' introduction 3 Joseph R. Cimpian, Julie A. Marsh, Paco Martorell, and Morgan S. Polikoff charter schools in turnaround: competing institutional logics in the tennessee achievement school...
contents 1. the state of e-legal deposit in france: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future (Peter Stirling, Gildas Illien, Pascal Sanz and sh...
Contents: Editorial Editor's Introduction (John Haman) Articels 1. This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) 2. Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global...
1. Leadership for Learning: Does Collaborative Leadership Make a Difference in School Improvement? (Philip Hallinger and Ronald H. Heck) 2. Leadership, Management and Pupils’ Academic Attainment: R...
1. the effect of public library use on the social capital of rural communities. (Catherine A. Johnson and Matthew R. Griffis) 2. Improving perception of value to teahing and research staff: The next ...
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. When making the grade isn't enough: The gendered nature of premed science course attrition by Eben B. Witherspoon, Dan Cooley, Amanda Kvalsvig, and Sharon Goldfeld 2. Positive ...
Feature Articles 1. Does STEM Stand out? Examining racial/ethnic Gaps in Persistence Across Postsecondary Fields by Catherine Riegle-Crumb, Barbara King, and Yasmiyn Irizarry 2. The BUDL Effect: Exa...
fourteenth annual brown lecture in education research: disability identification disparities as a case in point 325 alfredo j. artiles research on the leadership of black women principals: impl...
Daftar isi guest editors' corner 1. unlocking learning discovering the keys to effective assessment Tracey H. Sigler and Kenneth S. Rhee a conversation on rubrics 2. crossing the rubric-con ...
special section on "proceedings of the second international conference on neutron imaging and neutron methods in archaeology and cultural heritage (ninmach):; guest edited by Laszlo Szentmiklosi, kata...
1 editorial: the international review of the red cross: withness to the humanitarian revolution vincent bernard, editor-in-chief voices and perspectives 11 three short essays in honour of th...