Daftar isi 1. 5/epistemological trade-offs: accounting for context when evaluating epistemological sophistication of student engagement in scientific practices Leema Berland and Kathleen Crucet ...
science education research thrives in an open, global community: dana l. zeidler and fouad abd-el-khalick published online in wiley online library research articles pushing and pulling sara: a ...
gender and choosing a stem major in college: femininity, masculinity, chilly climate, and occupational values: richard m. simon, ashley wagner, and brooke killion published online 6 october 2016 in ...
call for papers: jorunal of research in science teaching special issue: a caritical examination of the next generation science standards: troy d. sadler and david e. brown published online 31 ma...
Berisi tentang Industri 4.0 dan Manajemen Investasi (Suwito Haryatno, M.M. & Hendry Surya, S.E Agama dan Kekuasaan : Tinjauan Transkeilmuan dan Kritik Ideologi oleh Dr. der Phil. Reza Alexander Anto...
CONTENTS Research Articles - Learning in a Community of Practice: Factors Impacting English-Learning Student's Engagement in Scientific Argumentation: Maria Gonzalez-Howard and Katherine L. McNeil...
Daftar artikel: 1. "A Ton of Faith in Science" Nature and Role of Assumptions in, and Ideas About, Science and Epistemology Generated Upon Watching a Sci-Fi Film: John Y. Myers and Fouad Abd-El-Khal...
CONTENTS Research Articles - To customize or not to customize? Exploring science teacher customization in an online lesson portal: Joshua Littenberg-Tobias, Elham Beheshti and Carolyn Staudt Publ...
1. Meningkatkan Keterampilan Belajar Mahasiswa dengan Modul Belajar Mandiri (Suprayekti, Hirmana Wargahadibrata, dan Cecep Kustandi) 2. Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS SMP dengan Paket Pembelajaran Be...
Daftar isi 1. on the 'fabric' of our global science education research community: the art and science of writing for the journal of research in science teachng: Fouad Abd-El-Khalick and Dana L. Ze...
Dr. Syafruddin Wahid, M.Pd....
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