Daftar Isi 1. Students' Use of Graphs in Understanding the Concepts of Derivative 2. Exploring the Introduction of Computational Thinking in STEM Education in Australian Schools 3. Fragmentation of...
Allan Leslie White & Wahyudi 1-2 Editorial Fadjar Shadiq 3-17 how can seameo qitep in mathematics help indonesian mathematics teachers to help their students to be independent learners in the case...
How can schools make the most of both the technology and the learning potential of today's "born digital" students? In this new edition of their groundbreaking book, Collins and Halverson argue that n...
Histerektomi didefinisikan sebagai suatu tindakan atau prosedur pembedahan yang dilakukan oleh seorang ahli kandungan untuk mengangkat seluruh bagian rahim termasuk juga mulut rahim atau serviks, korp...
EDITORIAL: 1. International Perspectives on Leader Development: Definition and Design (Allan Walker, Philip Hallinger) ARTICLES: 1. International Patterns in Principal Preparation: Commonalities an...
1. Why undergraduate students schoose to use e-book. (Edward W. Walton) 2. The impact of reading for pleasure on blind and partially sighted adults and its implication for materials provision. (Rache...
Editorial Elspeth Broady Introduction Guest editors' introduction Thomai Alexiou, Zoe Gavriilidou and James Milton Foreword Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey Articles The sill revisited in...
Bibliography: pxxix. - Includes index....
Prev. ed. cataloged under Glatthorn, Allan A.; Includes bibliographical references and index.;...
Book + Audio CD...
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.;...