Editorial Teacher education for critical democracy: understanding our commitments as design challenges and opportunities Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, and Robert Floden Articles ...
Daftar isi 1. examining the complexity of assessment and accountability in teacher education Stephanie L. Knight, Jacqueline Edmondson, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, James Nolan Jr., Anne Elro...
Daftar isi 1. 5/epistemological trade-offs: accounting for context when evaluating epistemological sophistication of student engagement in scientific practices Leema Berland and Kathleen Crucet ...
Contens Science learning in everday life 873/ Attitude change when presenting science museum visitors with risk-benefit information Sielle Phelan, Inga Specht, Wolfgang Schnotz, and Doris Lewa...
research article - expectancy-value and children's science achievement: parents matter: julie a. thomas, and kamden k. strunk published online 3 february 2017 in wiley online library - position ...
Bagaimana mempertahankan kebahagiaan? John B. Situmeang Revolusi pertanian di Nusantara: Budidaya tanaman berwawasan lingkungan untuk kemandirian, ketahanan, dan kedaulatan pangan Indonesia Moham...
Daftar artikel: 1. "A Ton of Faith in Science" Nature and Role of Assumptions in, and Ideas About, Science and Epistemology Generated Upon Watching a Sci-Fi Film: John Y. Myers and Fouad Abd-El-Khal...
JKR 428.4 Num copies: 001.B T...
buku ini berisi pembahasan struktur kurikulum Pendidikan kesetaraan paket B setara SMP/MTs yang didalamnya meliputi mata pelajaran PKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, Bahasa Inggris, Seni Bud...
201 - Introduction Celebrating archaeology and the archaeology of celebration by Naomi Sykes, Chantal Conneller, John Schofield, Sarah Semple and Matthew Spriggs 210 - Articles David Clarke's Anal...
special section on "archaeometric approaches to the archaeology of northern hunter-gatherers"; guest edited by lan scharlotta, kristin safi, lindsey g. friedman. flexible approaches; adapting anal...
Articles Sharryn Kasmir and Lesley Gill No smooth surfaces: the anthropology of unevenness and combination Sheyla S. Zandonai and Vanessa Amaro The Portuguese Calcada in Macau: paving resi...
Feature Articles Online credit recovery and the path to on-time high school graduation Jordan Rickles, Jessica B. Heppen, Elaine Allensworth, Nicholas Sorensen, and Kirk Walters Rater performan...
Feature Articles Twelfth annual brown lecture in education research So that any child may succeed: indigenous pathways toward justice and the promise of brown Teresa L. McCarty The relationship...