Rev. ed. of: Communicating in groups / Gloria J. Galanes, Katherine Adams, John K. Brilhart. 4th ed. 2000.; Includes bibliographical references and index.;...
Daftar isi: 1. Microhabitat Influence on Growth Distribution Pattern of Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) in Siak, Riau Province 2. Mortality and Ingrowth Pattern Dipterocarps in Forest Recovery in East K...
JK FICTION Num copies: 001....
Contents: 1. Barriers to inquiry-based instruction: a longitudinal study of history teachers [Christopher C. MArtell] 2. "Reality shock " of beginning teachers? changes in teacher candidates' emo...
Articles: 1. A nation at risk or a nation in progress? naming the way forward through research in teacher education [Robert E. Floden, Gail Richmond, Maria Salazar] 2. “It’s not really my jobâ€...
Buku cerita anak ini merupakan hasil dari penerjemah buku cerita berbahasa daerah (Dayak Ngaju) ke dalam bahasa Indonesia yang dilaksanakan oleh Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah...
1. Bentuk-bentuk sintaktik sederhana dalam tuturan anak (R. Hery Budhiono) 2. Sasana kayau: puisi lisan khas Kalimantan Tengah yang hampir punah (J.J. Kusni) 3. Wujud karakter sentral dalam kekohes...
1. Kebijakan bahasa daerah di Indonesia 2. Laras bahasa jurnalistik: realitas dan tantangan 3. Mitologi melayu nusantara dalam kontek keindonesiaan 4. Tindak tutur tawur hasapa dalam budaya suku d...
1. Pemerolehan fonologis pada anak usia 0-2 tahun (R. Hery Budiono) 2. Gaya dan strategi belajar bahasa (Diplan) 3. Makna simbolis pada rumah betang: arsitektur dayak Kalimantan Tengah yang berbasis...
Daftar Isi: 1. Jamur Paecilomyces dari Leang Pettae di Kawasan Karst Maros dan Saran Pelestarian Gambar Cadasnya. 2. Teknologi dan Sumber Bahan Gerabah Situs Mulyosari Berdasarkan Analisis Petrograf...
Daftar Isi: 1. Mengenal Tinggalan Arkeologi Dari Sudut Pandang Kekinian: Tinjauan Keberadaan Koleksi Museum Manusia Purba Gilimanuk. 2. Makam Kuno di Situs Anggareksa, Kecamatan Lombok Timur, Kabupa...
Melalui latar seperti inilah pelatihan penulisan puisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara pada Juli 2023 menjadi menarik perhatian. Para pesertanya adalah komunitas sas...
Learning is no longer an activity or luxury that only occurs at specific stages in your life or career. With the digital revolution, learning has become immediate, real-time, and relevant whether youâ...
A learning culture is essential to outperform the competition but how can Learning and Development (L&D) professionals achieve this? What habits do they need to develop in their workforce? Learning...
Neuroscience for Learning and Development provides L&D professionals the tools and ideas to design and deliver effective initiatives with knowledge of how our brains process information. Using the ...
Collaborative Learning explains how to leverage the knowledge and experience of existing employees to upskill your entire workforce from within. This practical guide explains the basics of collabor...
How People Learnprovides L&D professionals a new way of thinking about learning by exploring what happens when we learn. It shows how to apply insights from neuroscience, human behaviour and artificia...
Solidly grounded in theory and research, but concise and practice-oriented, Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice is perfect for master’s-level students and practitioners alike. Sharan Merriam...
This text is a go-to resource for those wanting to broaden their knowledge and critical understanding of how international education can be transformed in the future based on theory and research.? ...
As the impact of climate change has become harder to ignore, it has become increasingly evident that children will inherit futures where climate challenges require new ways of thinking about how human...
Amanda L. Goodman....
Music Production Cultures draws on interviews with international educators, surveys completed by students of music production from around the globe, doctoral research findings and contextualised caree...