Rethinking Schools and Renewing Energy for Learning presents a comprehensive view on the major challenges educators face in the 21st century, and the ways in which schools can make a difference. It de...
`This book explores the future of doctoral research and what it means to be involved in all stages of the providing international insights into what's changing, why it's changing and how to work best ...
Buku ini menerapkan metode prototyping, di mana metode ini merupakan pengembangan yang digunakan pada perangkat lunak yang akan dikembangkan kembali menggunakan metode protyping. Desain sistem edutain...
This book brings together a collection of articles that were presented at the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australis (ODLAA) conference in February 2017. THis book was originally publishe...
Selama seribu tahun pertama, para pemikir agama, pemimpin politik, ahli hukum, penulis, saintis, dan filsuf telah membentuk peradaban Islam. Siapa sajakah mereka? Seperti apa kehidupan mereka? Dan bag...
This dictionary is meant for the students at advanced level, teachers, scientists, chemists, chemical engineers, and chemical analysts. All the entries are judiciously selected by a team of experts in...
Definitions of Third World and Development explores how various social and economic data are used to define what is meant by the term "Third World" and how the process of 'development' has been interp...
A century ago, the sound of Javanese gamelan orchestra made a deep and lasting Impression upon the young Debussy, and many composers after him, Including Ravel, Messiaen, and Britten, have found inspi...
Now with updated texts, photos, maps and charts, Britain Explored takes a comprehensive look at the landscape, institutions and daily life of Great Britain....
This publication describes housing in Britain, looking both at owner-occupied and rented housing. The work of housing associations is covered, as are government measures to improve the condition and m...
1. Writing weekly interesting experience in english to improve writing ability by the students of english study program dayanu ikhsanuddin university baubau 2. Penerapan metode kooperatif the two sta...
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Dalam buku ini dibahasa tentang tips praktis yang berkaitan dengan etika yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupa sehari-hari baik di lingkungan kerja maupun masyarakat....
One of the constant criticisms of adult education services has always been the lack of expertise for programme planning, for which needs analysis is a prerequisite to ensure relevance in terms of both...
In this chapter, competence management is approached through two developments. On the one hand, the author will explore the main factors involved in current management practices, and on the other hand...
This volume brings together excellent scholarship and innovative policy discussion to demonstrate the essential role of higher education in the development of Africa and of the world at large. Based o...
profesional development for equity: what consitutes powerful professional learning? darinda j. carter andrews and gail richmond 408 articles flipping the classrom in teacher education: implicati...
contents editorial changing the narrative on diversifying the teaching workforce: a look at historical and contemporary factors that inform recruitment and retention of teachers of color 6 Do...
1. Language Program as Ecology: a Perspective for Leadership (Martha C. Pennington and Barbara J. Hoekje) 2. The Possible Cultural Consequences for Children as They Learn to Read in English at Primar...