JKVID JUNIOR FICTI Num copies: 001....
Buku ini berisi biografi dari P.K. Ojong satu dari dua pendiri Kompas - Gramedia...
Memuat kisah hidup dari Lord Mountbatten. Seorang admiral dari angkatan laut Inggris Raya....
Daftar Isi guru dan sekolah guru di sumatera barat tahun 1950-an gusti asnan (1) ins kayutanam: dinamika perkembangan 1926-1998 ajisman (11) rahmah el yunusiyah (1900-1969) : pendidik...
orang minangkabau di mukomuko dalam perspektif sejarah 1945-2003 ajisman eksistensi tari gandi pada masyarakat mukomuko refisrul irigasi tradisional subak di desa sumber agung kecamatan arm...
1. Bahasan dalam pembelajaran anak-anak penyandang autisme (Sutarsih) 2. Bahasa dalam lingkungan multibudaya (widada Hs) 3. Humor dalam kolom “capek (catatan plesetan kelik)” (Nur Ramadhoni Sety...
1. The Use of Quality Pedagogic Language in the Teaching of English in Indonesian Setting (Didi Suherdi) 2. The Use of ICT and Communication Effectiveness among Secondary School Administrators (Eno E...
EDITORIAL: 1. ‘Life Begins’—EMAL is 40 and Stronger than Ever (Tony Bush) ARTICLE: 1. Leadership Identity in Ethnically Diverse Schools in South Africa and England (Jacky Lumby, Jan Heystek)...
1. Distributed Leadership: Friend or Foe? (Alma Harris) 2. Distributed Leadership: A Study in Knowledge Production (Helen Gunter, Dave Hall, Joanna Bragg) 3. Distributed Leadership: The Uses and Abu...
Articles Governing teacher learning: understanding teachers' compliance with and critique of standardization Ian Hardy Psychicall contexts of subjectivity and performative practices of remuner...
Daftar isi editorial 1. beyond the teacher certification program debate: from models to features Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Stephanie L. Knight, Jacqueline Edmondson, James Nolan Jr., Sco...
Daftar isi 1. editorial learning to teach: lt's complicated but lt's not magic Elizabeth Spalding, Cari L. Klecka, Emily Lin, Jian Wang, and Sandra J. Odell 2. articles learning to teach in t...
edited by Helen Vidgen....
edited by Helen Vidgen....
edited by Helen Vidgen....
Daftar Isi : 1. Biotechnology for Young Learners: Pelatihan Bioteknologi Sederhana untuk Siswa Tunaganda di SLB G/A-B Helen Keller Indonesia (by Wahyu Wido Sari) 2. Peningkatan Minat, Keaktifan, dan...
A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at Monsters University -- when they weren't necessarily the best of friends...