Articles Governing teacher learning: understanding teachers' compliance with and critique of standardization Ian Hardy Psychicall contexts of subjectivity and performative practices of remuner...
Contents Special section on "proceedings of the Second International Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (NINMACH)"; Guest Edited by Laszlo Szentm...
Daftar isi 1. editorial talking acroos the disciplines Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Jacqueline Edmondson, James Nolan Jr, Scott P. McDonald, and Anne Elrod Whitney 2....
1. 'Baik' dan 'Buruk' dalam budaya jawa -sketsa tafsir nilai-nilai budaya Jawa- Heddy Shri Ahimsa- Putra 2. Paguyuban sangkan paraning dumadi Sri Jayabaya di Kediri Ambar Adrianto 3. Seni tradisi...
Naskah Betawi: skriptorium dan dekorasi naskah Betawi Script: scriptorium and decoration script Mu'jizah Pembauran etnis Cina dan kaum Bumiputra di Kota Garut pada abad XX Ethnic assimilatio...
Daftar isi Konstruksi nilai multikulturalisme pada masyarakat Haurgeulis Kabupaten Indramayu the Construction of multiculturalism values in Haurgeulis society, Indramayu Regency Suciyadi Ramad...
1. Analisa Yuridis Kompetensi Lembaga Arbitrase di Indonesia (Suprapto) 2. Arbitrase Online dalam Perspektif Perjanjian Arbitrase menurut UU Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 (Mulyani Zuleha) 3. Asuransi dalam Pe...
Daftar isi 1. editorial reconceptualizing teacher quality to inform preservice and inservice professional development Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P...
Contens Science learning in everday life 873/ Attitude change when presenting science museum visitors with risk-benefit information Sielle Phelan, Inga Specht, Wolfgang Schnotz, and Doris Lewa...
gender and choosing a stem major in college: femininity, masculinity, chilly climate, and occupational values: richard m. simon, ashley wagner, and brooke killion published online 6 october 2016 in ...
Cara menghadapi tantangan hidup dan dunia kerja setelah lulus kuliah, disusun oleh tim editor Don't Sweat Press....
Buku ini menjelaskan rekam perjalanan pendidikan dan kebudayaan melalui pemikiran dan kebijakan menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dari masa ke masa. Buku ini mencoba menekankan bahwa beragam kebijakan...
201 - Introduction Celebrating archaeology and the archaeology of celebration by Naomi Sykes, Chantal Conneller, John Schofield, Sarah Semple and Matthew Spriggs 210 - Articles David Clarke's Anal...
School improvement grants in ohio: effects on student achievement and school administration Deven Carlson and Stephane Lavertu The impacts of reading recovery at scale: results from the 4-year i...
Undocumented students in higher education: a review of the literature, 2001 to 2016 Peter Bjorklund Jr. Advanced placement: the dual challenge of equal access and effectiveness Suneal Kolluri ...
The Three generations of cultural capital research: a narrative review Scott Davies and Jessica Rizk The Comprehension problems of children with poor reading comprehension despite adequate dec...
Daftar isi editorial 1. taking stock in 2014 Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2. towar...